fan leaves


Well-Known Member
fan leaves store all the much needed sugars used as food you can remove the lower branches i like to grow sog i veg a little longer get a nice canopy then snip everything that isnt within 4 inches of the top of the canopy(not including fan leaves)

week 3


Well-Known Member
I'm running an experiment now.
Don't do it!
Last week would have had different answer.
So far the 1 that I took leaves from produced more bud sites but slowed it way down.
The leaves came back to.
I have taken just a few leaves before,that didn't slow it down,but didn't help either.


Active Member
Removing fan leaves should be minimal, usually only when they are damaged. But if they are blocking light try let or something to deter from removal.


Well-Known Member
Nope! The upper fan leaves allow the plant to use light to convert sugars to energy. Also, in the last few weeks of flower your plants might stop taking nutes through their roots and rely on the energy that's stored in the fan leaves to finish flowering. That's what mine did, and that's what produced the beautiful fade on the upper fan leaves. That's also what allowed my bud to fill out in the final weeks. No fan leaves, no filled out bud.

Now, if you want to tuck some leave out of the way, go ahead, I was tucking all the time. But definitely keep 'em!