Fan recommendations for carbon filter



I have a few questions about the type of fan that is needed to allow a home made carbon filter found on the sticky to work. So far, I see
1. Squirrel cage fan:
2. Regular blower:

Would the stanley blower work if I attached the filter directly to its exhaust? My budget is kind of tight so the price for the blower is perfect. If anyone else has other recommendations please tell, I just can't install any fixtures or connect it to the window.

Also can someone please tell me how I can set up the room so that I can provide fresh air without using the windows? I'm think about putting the intake end of the blower next to the door and have the exhaust blow inward to the room. Just not sure if that will properly control odor.
You need a inline fan. Check on HTG Supply. Depending on what size your room is to how big a fan. If its the whole spare bedroom I wouldnt get less than 450 cfm. If its smaller area like closet you could get away with 175 cfm
thanks your right, I have to spend more because the grow room is medium sized. I wanted to just use the closet since I'm not growing many plants but its oddly shaped and a little too small. If i do use the 8' fan form HTG how can i effectively install it? the restriction is that I can't install any fixtures to the walls or ceiling.
I think the best way to deal with those inline fans is to hang them from bungee cords. However I suppose that would involve installing hooks in your ceiling.
I think the 6 inch fan will be good for your room. Im using a whole room like you and thats what I have in my grow room. Works great its 435 cfm I think