Fan Speed Control


Well-Known Member
My Ipower control for my exhaust fan only cuts watts from 104 to 80. A lot of these controls look the same. Are there any that reduce the speed much lower? Fucks up my air filtering also.
A variac gives ac fans 0-100%+ control without any buzzing or humming from the fan coils.

Depending on your local environment it can be better to run the fan constantly slow/er for a more stable environment.

If your climate doesn't suit it's simple enough to add a relay for temperature and humidity control, that's basically a hybrid controller (zero buzz) that would cost you hundreds of pounds to buy a basic model, the last hybrid controller i bought cost me £250 that was without speed control or humidity control.

They're completely useless for Dc fans.
I've got same one.
Plus others that are steppers and one of them has a temp control on it so you set it and it ramps up ir down.
Problem with them is your restricted to about 60% as minimum.

Them manual proper variacs you can choose any voltage, though they do say your fan needs a certain minimum since it cools itself while operating. Never seen any issues though taking it down from say 240v to about 60v (25%)
3 amp ordered!
You'll love it, cuts the db noise way down.
Usually I dial it up to 100% when starting, then dial down.

Lower settings, like 20-30% might not be high enough to restart the fan moving after power outage, if you have a blower with bargain bearings.
I keep it at a setting where it starts moving again when powered on, just test and see what works.