fanning plants


Active Member
will a fan pointed to the plant/s really make the stem stronger? ive never actullaly tried this. can i leave it on for only like 8 hours? or does it need to be continuous for this to work?


Active Member
Mine is on a timer with the lights. 8 - 12 hours a day is ok. You're just trying to recreate the effect that the wind would have on the plant if it was growing outside.


Well-Known Member
Wind on plants is like working out for breaks down the cells and regrows them over top of the others...just tlike human muscle does.


Well-Known Member
yo dude,, I have my fan on all different times,, my thoughts are,, anything is better than nuthin,, and I havent done bad........ good luck.....:peace:...............


Well-Known Member
yeh really you should use a oscilating fan so the breeze moves also having a fan on 24/7 not only strengthens the stem and keeps the air circulating it also helps prevents mold,but if you can only have it on for 8-12 hours thatll be much better than nothing.peace