Fans my got intake toomuch passive aint cuttin


Well-Known Member
  1. 2.4x1.2 m tent rvk 150 l1 filter

    I got a 6inch vent hole in my cieling and my l1 6 inch extraction sucks my tent so hard its gona cause a black hole..
    passive intake is what i did when i had an 6inch a1

    So l1 extraction a1 perfect in right? Nope it gived me posivite preassure.

    The l1 is on max and i havent put controller on yet for temps

    Run at 50 passive would be perfect... But when lights come on ok a warm day the tent eill implode at 100%

    6inch a1 in is toomuch for l1 at 100% defo toomuch at 50...

    What can i do?

    I see options as
    Upgrade vent to 8inch passive... Might be enoigh might not?? Whats the math

    Restrict the a1 intake some how no spare fan controller if i put 4inch duct on the inside that will make a racket?
    And force the fan to work overload?

    2nd passive 6inch hassle and no spare ducting or duct atm shops shut 7 day delivry

    Whats the easy hack (im in loft cant leave a vent open} to fix for now
    And the full remedy would be a matching thermostatic controller? Or wont that work? [/QUOTE]
Not sure where you are going, hard to understand but just a tip, a passive intake should have a surface area of at least 2.5x the exhaust.
So a 6inch x 2.5 is 15 inch? Or 2x 8inchc?How the hell lol?
Am i doing it wrong?

Sorry madness up there.
I am in a 2.4x1.2m tent. I was using a rvk a1 430m3 and passive intake fine. But i needed more extraction so i got a rvk 150 L1 version 740m3

My rvkL1 740 is on a 6x1000 rhino filter in a kit.
Now my passive 6inch sucks so hard it might collapse.
So as per some advice i usedbmy 430m3 A1 intake.

Now my preassure is slightly posative not bloating not sucking tight.
I need some tightness just not enough to suck life out of the world.

So atm i have put 2x 4 inch passives on in my loft un filtered which isnt ideal.
And my 6 inch to bed room cieling. This is giving me ok preassure ish.

Thing is if i put a filter on the A1 it would be perfect but i cant do that wen my bedroom cieling is my intake path....

Reduce the 6inch intske to 4inch when it comes in?

So im stuck with poor ventilation or toomuch ventilation... Could i put a 4inch filter inside my tejt and hook my 6inch a1 430m3 to the 4inch blowing through it? Just an idea...

Or make a box that houses my 4 inch filter and hook i tskr to thay and fan other side suck8ng in tent? I dont know.

Ive sen a variable twin controller but i csnt get it for 2 weeks
I have a 6 inch blower pulling air through my tent and a 6 inch intake. My tent gets sucked p hard...not sure what the worry is. My tent is 2fx4fx6f. I have a 600hps in there and the fan is on a controller running at 90%. The sides of the tent suck in several inches.

My blower is about 740m3
I have a 6 inch blower pulling air through my tent and a 6 inch intake. My tent gets sucked p hard...not sure what the worry is. My tent is 2fx4fx6f. I have a 600hps in there and the fan is on a controller running at 90%. The sides of the tent suck in several inches.
One issue is that a fan working that hard will pull more watts and can have a shorter life expectancy.
One issue is that a fan working that hard will pull more watts and can have a shorter life expectancy.
Such is life. Had it 3 years now. I veg with led so it runs 20 or 30%. Pop the hps for flower. I would have to replace that blower hundreds of times for it to cost more than going to the dispensary.
Are you saying "so much shit gets sucked in"? Like dust and shit? If that is what you are saying then you just need to filter the air going in. I use these and then I stretch nylons over them to catch the fine dust and hairs.
View attachment 4541203
Have thaight about it. Only thing stopps me cis temps in my loft are somwhat unstable as i cant finnish insulation as im not allowed to buy any easy at the mo i rely on stable bedroom temps.
Thisnis how i run atm just not ideal lol.

I got a box fan 1000cmf that decreases preassure easily. But plug is hardwired and only 30cm long haha my plug is 2m away on extension already so i cant double u p
Have thaight about it. Only thing stopps me cis temps in my loft are somwhat unstable as i cant finnish insulation as im not allowed to buy any easy at the mo i rely on stable bedroom temps.
Thisnis how i run atm just not ideal lol.

I got a box fan 1000cmf that decreases preassure easily. But plug is hardwired and only 30cm long haha my plug is 2m away on extension already so i cant double u p
Cut the wire and extend it. They sell cable at menards and what not. Screw caps and some electrical tape no worries.
So a 6inch x 2.5 is 15 inch? Or 2x 8inch"

Two 8" holes is close. Area is the difference of the square of a side (square) or diameter (circle), so a 4" circle has four times the surface area of a 2" circle. pi x radius squared gives the area of a circle.

The area of a 6" circle = 3.14 x 3 squared = 3.14 x 9 = 28.25 square inches

28.25 square inches x 2.5 = ~71 square inches

71 square inches / pi = 22.6. The square root of 22.6 = radius of ~4.8" or about 10" in diameter for a single passive intake.

If you want two holes its 71 square inches / 2 = ~35 square inches / pi = ~ 11 and the square root of 11 is 3.3, so for two holes they'd need a diameter of just under 7".

It sounds more complicated than it is.