FAQ about bagseed for noobs!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys ive been reading bout "bagseed" a little so pretty much its seeds u get in weed?meaning crappy weed with seeds in it that u plant? is that right?

Can you guys provide more info about this?

Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
lol i so far have only grown bag seed, like 25+, i love it,NOW TAKING CLONES, its just how you grow it. i amazed my dude by selling him a taste of it (the only sale), and when he smoked it i told him it was from the seeds in the shit he sells me, it was MIND BOTTLING ...LOL

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
you can get the best seeds available and grow crap or some schwag seeds and grow some amazing weed just because its in the bag don't think its all bad


Well-Known Member
lol nah man ppl here smoke mostly hash(the dark brownish clay thing:(

No one here really knows wat weed is, ppl do but mostly they dont! sadly! and theres marijuana growing EVERYWHERE!!!!!! outside my yard, in emply plots, EVERYWHERE! but now ive learned thats its not smokeable :(

Id luv to try weed out for the first time but i cant find it anywhere here:( just that hash stuff

can anyone help me find weed,seeds, or growing equipment in this fukin place?????if not then no worries! if not then no worries! just hope i get out fast!

Cheers :)