[FAQ] The "What?" "How?" and "Huh?" of RooR Bongs

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This thread will be updated as more info arrives. It is meant to be a constantly updated FAQ. Rate it up if you like it!

So, you're looking through some pictures if various bong collections, and you've noticed a trend: Some of the pyrex bongs have the word "RooR' on them. You think to yourself "What the hell does RooR mean?", but dare not ask the question because you might not be in on a really cool trend. That is why this FAQ was created.

Table of Contents

1. What is RooR?
2. Where is RooR?
3. Why RooR?
4. Where can I get a RooR?
5. What's with this stupid Metric system?
6. What can I get with a RooR?
7. Is RooR just bongs?

1. What is RooR?

Roor is a company that makes high-quality handcrafted Pyrex bongs. Each bong they make is of hand-blown Pyrex glass. All bongs made by RooR are completely customized from wall thickness to height to many other decorative/practical features. Here are a few pictures of some RooR Bongs


1a. Bongs? What are those?

A bong (also called a waterpipe) is a smoking device that cools the smoke of whatever the user may have in the bowl. This allows larger amounts of smoke (or hits) to be inhaled and held in while causing less irritation to the user's throat and lungs. The word "Bong" comes from the Thai word "Baawng", which essentially means "Marijuana Pipe". Yes, bongs are so deep in their history that they have their very own word. Bongs can be anywhere from under 6 inches to over 4 feet high.


This is a small (8 inch) bong. This is a typical bong design. The bottom of the tube is filled with water while a smaller stem/bowl will go into the stem packed with whatever the user desires to smoke. The user lights the material and inhales until a desired amount of smoke enters the inside of the tube (also called chamber). Once the desired amount of smoke is in the chamber, the user pulls the bowl out and inhales the now cooled smoke.

Bongs have been around for quite a long time. They're relatively new to American culture, but they quickly found a place in the homes and hearts of Americans everywhere. Most Americans did not know about bongs until they were brought back by soldiers in the Vietnam war.

Most bongs today are acrylic, ceramic or glass. Originally bongs were made of bamboo.


Though these bongs are still available today, most users prefer glass. Some say that a bamboo bong provides a more natural smoke with a good flavor, however I can't say for myself because I've never used a bamboo piece.

2. Where is RooR?

All RooR bongs are made in a workshop in Germany. I've never been to the workshop myself, so until this thread is updated I'll just take a guess at what's inside the factory.

The RooR factory is run by magic German pixies who smoke weed and drink beer all day. This may sound alarming at first, but remember: These are German pixies. They're like regular pixies expect they're seven feet tall and made of nothing but muscle and beard.

All day long the German pixies work blowing Pyrex glass into very sturdy bongs to be shipped to the villages across the world.

RooR also has a retail shop in Amsterdam. Their official website can be found here: ROOR Bongs Shop Amsterdam - Pure Smoke Kulture

3. Why RooR?

To some the positive traits of a RooR bong will outweigh any negative, but others are hasty to purchase a RooR at first.

Many find that Pyrex bongs provide the most pleasurable smoke possible. RooR bongs can be more desirable because they are all custom made and built to last a long time. However, the customization options and high quality come at a very high price (I've never seen one under $100). Some are apprehensive to pay this much.

A RooR may not necessarily be in everyone's budget. It's more than reasonable to buy a less expensive bong that will do the job just as well as a RooR. Some people use a RooR as a status symbol. It says "Look at me, I'm a sophisticated smoker. I have very good taste".

Overall, if you have the money to spend, or are willing to save, RooR provides a product of the highest quality, and you won't need to buy another for a very long time.

4. Where can I get a RooR?

Your local head shop may very well have one sitting on a shelf. A lot of shops carry RooR bongs that have already been made. There are no RooR shops in the US, so it can be much more convenient to have the instant gratification of walking out of the store with a RooR in your hands. Some are willing to pay and wait for their product to be made and shipped from Germany. If this is the way you want to go, it's best to see if someone in the shop can order a custom RooR for you directly. You may be able to work out a way to place a deposit or pre-pay and have them lay out all the features and place the order for you. If not, you can go to their shop at ROOR - Pure Smoke Kulture - Glass

5. What's with this stupid Metric system?

I know, it's totally lame. This is a system of measurement that everyone except America uses to measure stuff. It's obvious that America has the right idea, but since everyone else is being stupid, here's a converter: >:: World Wide Metric ::<

While you need conversions done, here's one to convert Euros and Pounds to the world's greatest currency: The United States Dollar
XE.com - Universal Currency Converter

6. What can I get with a RooR?

Some pipes and bongs have more customization options than others, but here is a general list of options available on all RooR bongs.

-Ice Notches

Some people (myself included) love these. Basically the blower will create a small notch in the chamber that will allow you to suspend some ice cubed in the chamber, which will cool the smoke down much more and allow a more pleasurable smoke. Here is an example of a RooR filled with ice.


-Carb Hole

Some love a slide action bong, but some would rather just light up their bowl, inhale and release their thumb from the back of the bong when they're ready to take a hit. For those of us who would rather not risk dropping a bowl, the carb is available.

-Logo Color

This is purely for looks. Although you may want to be careful with a red one. My friend said he used his RooR with a red logo a lot and the paint started to fade and the logo turned pink. Good thing my favorite color is Dodger blue.

You can get a number of customizations to your bowl as well. These are some that can be decorative such as a rasta design around your bowl, or they can have practical applications such as a narrower bowl which allow you to pack smaller bowls.

Here are a few examples of highly customized RooR bongs. This first picture shows two typical RooR bongs. Both of which have ice notches.


The bong shown on the left has an extra ash catcher. These ash catchers are supposed to catch any small amount of ash/bud that gets sucked through the bowl. These are very convenient for a number of reasons. First off, they allow for much easier clean up since the ash catcher is detachable and can be taken off, cleaned and placed back on the bong. Some say they also make the smoke easier to tolerate because they add a small, additional chamber. Note that the ash catcher may not be necessary for the easing of smoke for the bong on the right. It has a much larger chamber which can hold more water to additionally cool the smoke.

Here is a RooR that has had a lot of customization done.


Note that the mouthpiece at the top as well as the bowl have both had extensive work and detail put into them. The ice notches have also been colored as well. The bowl, while very impressive, probably cost an additional $50.

7. Is RooR just bongs?

No. They also make pipes (a bare-bones design called a "Steamroller") as well as glass jars, rolling papers and grinders. They also offer some merchandise with their logo on it so you can show your friends how cool you are.

Well, that's all we have for now. Feel free to submit more info and I'll keep the FAQ updated.
Really nice submission, I like the layout and the time you have taken, good job.

I won't vote yet though, I want to see what else gets entered.

Oh btw I added a poll for your :D
2. Where is RooR?

All RooR bongs are made in a workshop in Germany. I've never been to the workshop myself, so until this thread is updated I'll just take a guess at what's inside the factory.

The RooR factory is run by magic German pixies who smoke weed and drink beer all day. This may sound alarming at first, but remember: These are German pixies. They're like regular pixies expect they're seven feet tall and made of nothing but muscle and beard.

All day long the German pixies work blowing Pyrex glass into very sturdy bongs to be shipped to the villages across the world.

So fucking hilarious! I've been looking at RooR bongs on various online sites. Gonna check a local headshop this weekend for a bong and if they got one im in luck.
Really nice submission, I like the layout and the time you have taken, good job.

I won't vote yet though, I want to see what else gets entered.

Oh btw I added a poll for your :D

Thanks, bro!

So fucking hilarious! I've been looking at RooR bongs on various online sites. Gonna check a local headshop this weekend for a bong and if they got one im in luck.

I'm ordering a brand new one soon. It's gonna cost me about $220, possibly more, but it'll be worth it.
Shweet man! From what I've read around the inter-web I can tell that RooR is definitely worth every penny if ya can afford it.
very nice, although a few pics wouldn't have gone astray.
same as NGT, I'm not voting till I see a few more submissions.
I am a noob and would have liked to have seen more history about bongs and why you should own one. I guess really expanding on 1a a lot. Sorry my input isn't great just from a noobs prospective.

All the best
Ok still noob but how about a bong quote section from pot films, would funny it up a bit and make people relate a little more. And try a bamboo bong!!!

Teehee sorry I drank too much wine but maybe you like the ideas or maybe no.

PS. Looks fookin awesome compared to the first and the first was good.
I have owned two and I love them. Of the course the biggest downside is breakage and the cost of replacement. While we have never broken a pipe we have broken some of the accessories like ash catchers and stems. :)

Hands down best pipes I have ever smoked out of.

I was at my local head shop and discovered that RooR has closed down their US office and is currently not shipping bongs to the US. I don't have any details on why or how long this will be, but right now the only way to get a RooR inside the states is to go to a shop that has pre-mades.
Roor. :spew:

I'm not trying to be a dick at all but:

You guys spend 250+ dollars on a mass produced, incredibly overpriced piece of glass. I can spin a pyrex tube and make a glass on glass bong, in my garage in less than an hour. And I'll even throw in a little more of whatever the customer wants for a little more than half or what a Roor costs. If you break it, I'll even fix it, if possible, for no charge.

Go ahead and keep buying Roor. But there are much better bongs out there, for much less money.

And yes, Roor USA closed down.

-Your friendly glassblower

Don't get me wrong, if I get passed a Roor I'll rip the shit out of it.
Is this thread dead?!? I just got a new RooR bong, wow... I gotta say it cost me $220 but its worth EVERY penny. Lets keep this thread alive! I get ripped everytime! and I bet you do too! bongsmilie
nice post but some roors are just a pain in the ass to smoke out of when you have limited lung capacity. :(