Far Red - Not as much power but better than deep reds •Correct740nm (far) 660nm (deep) • Also Amare and HLG 1780 Mms/2)


With Amare and HLG coming in at 17xx µ㎨ I wonder how many noobs will go out, make the purchase, and wonder what happened? As at 800 µ㎨ no problem it should flower no problem. At 1000, 1500, 2000 MAX, you will need C02 and not a bag but gas/propane to really see a difference.

Also, I see a lot of DEEP REDS at 660nm whereas "Far Reds" (while not as powerful) have been proven to have a positive effect on Cannabis growth when introduced into the equation. Provided the other nine (9+) things are perfect first.

And no UVB


Does anyone know if the Amare Solar Bar 8 is shipping? Was there a grow journal posted here at one time? (SB8) Perhaps not.
Any info appreciated. (final weight, harvest, etcetera) -if you run full at 100%, how high did you hang the lights, If low, did you use C02? Level?
Sorry about Friday's post - I was rushing.
thank you.