Far-Right Websites have named the whistle blower. Did Trump have it leaked?

Do you think Trump had the whistleblower's identity leaked?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 46.2%

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Well-Known Member
So it turns out that the whistle blower identity is being circulated on far right sites like OANN. These websites will contain about 80% of real content, actual world events that is generally pleasant to read. But the 20% they post is selectively used facts that purposefully fit a narrative that is Pro-Russia/Trump, ignoring that other facts that show their narrative is a con job.

Hannity is pissed that he can't run with the story yet because he knows he will get sued for it, but is going to play it up as much as possible for as long as he can helping direct traffic to their friendly neighborhood far-right propaganda websites.

Not that they will get into the far right stuff outright, they will insinuate the crap out of it, and destroy the 'libs', but the comment sections is where the real action is. The continual mental masturbation that people get owning libs on them with the army of Russian trolls constantly giving them fodder.... You know those moments you realize you have a problem..........

Now Rand Paul (since Turkey invasion after Trump retreated our troops exposing a very frail emerging democratic state for the Kurds) has been in Trump's pocket and is pushing the 'unleash the whistleblower'. And now on a few of the more legit websites they are saying it is Devon Nunes's Aid that leaked it.

Edit: I accidentally did old gold standard nutter himself Ron Paul instead of his son...
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over the weekend, Trump was frothing at the mouth with Twitterabies for the Whistleblowers identity..75 i believe was the count.

i think they're bluffing, hoping someone will make a mistake and release by accident..i call that spin 'doing the 360'..but you can't do it the very next day after you've been freaking out about not having the name..too soon for this strategy- but have to hand it to him..he's one crazy mother fvcker.

BTW read the transcript:wink:
I started out thinking Trump did leak it. But now instead thinking back about Nunes being the one that right away was sneaking into the White House to warn Trump he was screwed being caught on tape and that Mueller had it all.

So now I think no, it is Nunes that leaked it so that Trump could find out the name through his propaganda site.
I started out thinking Trump did leak it. But now instead thinking back about Nunes being the one that right away was sneaking into the White House to warn Trump he was screwed being caught on tape and that Mueller had it all.

So now I think no, it is Nunes that leaked it so that Trump could find out the name through his propaganda site.

it's called bluffing:wink:
if they know who the Whistleblower is, then how come Rand Paul is demanding to know? just saw the chyron.
if they know who the Whistleblower is, then how come Rand Paul is demanding to know? just saw the chyron.
Turkey maybe told him to toss some shade for Trump? And is trying to preemptively help Trump out of getting in trouble announcing it. Because as soon as he does, that person is now a target for the nuts like very few people in human history has been.

Edit: I dont rmember, thinking back wasn't Ron Paul the 'businesses should be able to be white only' guy? Maybe it wasn't Turkey, maybe the white nationalists yanked his chain. It is so hard to tell which Republicans are owned by Foreign countries, which are White Nationalists or Evangelical anymore. I guess when millions get their money syphoned to them from Russia and the Saudi's it stops mattering.
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if they know who the Whistleblower is, then how come Rand Paul is demanding to know? just saw the chyron.
I am not saying this is not all out of Trump's direction. But that they are doing it in a way to let the lower already burnt Republican's take the bullets for Trump as long as possible. You know Trump is wanting to smear this person nonstop like he did Mueller, but laws are laws and this is kind of acting like a gag order for Trump.

Until it gets reported on Fox by a person that is allowed to lie to the American public because they are not under oath.
trump and the republicans can scrabble for cover all they want, but they're fucked, and they know it.
the republicans fucked themselves when they gave this asshat clown their parties nomination, and then stood behind him while he was force feeding America shit through a funnel...now America is about to puke it all out, and guess where it's going to land? on trump, and his party of traitors.
it's called bluffing:wink:
Maybe more like building an audience I think.

They are going to advertise it for a upcoming Hannity episode to get everyone fired up with Trump advertising it, and Hannity breaks the law and Trump uses it to spread his lies for his online troll army to exploit.

I thought of the first day that South Park was able to use the word "shit":

As soon as this law gets broken by Trump's minions, he is going to spam it nonstop.
I started out thinking Trump did leak it. But now instead thinking back about Nunes being the one that right away was sneaking into the White House to warn Trump he was screwed being caught on tape and that Mueller had it all.

So now I think no, it is Nunes that leaked it so that Trump could find out the name through his propaganda site.
If anybody leaked the name, the FBI and a grand jury will want to know the source of the leak and if they don't look, or are ordered not to, congress will want to know why. Bill Barr might not be AG that long, if Trump goes down, so will he and a bunch of others, the only one left standing will be Pence, but only because Pelosi has a use for him, until november of 2020. Pelosi will pick the next AG if Pence is president, he's gonna need a pardon to stay out of jail, other than death it's his only option. He might even have to pull off a 25th amendment for it, but Trump's impeachment would be quicker and easier, though Donald might just crack up completely, or have a heart attack, or a stroke. Pence better hope he gets to be POTUS, a deal with Nancy is his only way out of prison for conspiracy, she will have Pence take the blame for all kinds of unpopular shit with the base. The democrats will quietly own the government until 2020 and the next democratic POTUS will have Pence roll back most of what Trump did for them before they ever set foot in the WH. Pelosi will own Pence like Putin owns Trump and they can threaten Mitch's wife with investigation and prison using the new AG to bring him around, before they fuck him just before the election that is.
Eric Ciaramella gonna have to testify sooner or later.
Ah there it is, was curious when it would get posted here.

Screen Shot 2019-11-07 at 11.17.48 AM.png

Ooooh looks like Mueller has an email from him to John Kelly on 5/10/17.................
