Faraday cage.


Well-Known Member
So im pretty sure my ballast is causing some interference with my tvs, not so much on the I.ternet and sometimes my phone. Was looking to find a cheap eaay way to make a faraday cage or something like that to help reduce the interference.ballast is in basement somewhat by the tv box from att uverse and at random times it gets real bad. Worst comes to worst ill just buy a new ballast like lumeatek or a magnatic ballast. Dont use the dimmable fetaure alot so might just go with the older style that has no interferwnce.


I guess the ballast could interfer with your tv via the power outlets. Especially if you have the ballast at the same circuit as the tv box. I once blew a fuse by turning on a bread toaster and a waterboiler while the hps lamp was on. They were all on the same fuse. If you can connect the ballast to a power outlet that is connected to another fuse than the tv box, you would have them on different circuits so they wouldn't interfere with each other. If i'm right, a faraday cage wouldn't solve your problem.


Well-Known Member
For a test stick it inside a old microwave.. unplug the microwave.. lol A microwave IS a Faraday cage by necessity or else it would cook things outside also.. From what I understand it's not the ballast so much but the cord to the hood. That's the antenna.


Well-Known Member
wiich you could buy a sort of mesh screen thats conductive with that and ground it and it would stop it. from doing more research they have a few of the screen online for pretty cheap per linearft.