Fastest auto strain?


Well-Known Member
This is an indoor stealth grow so it needs to be a low odor strain
just setup a carbon filter

there are plenty of DIY and ready made systems
ive seen cut to fit carbon filters at home depot that could be put on the intake of a computer fan and just ran not even need to be ducted you could just put one in your grow area only thing is you might aswell duct it in seeing how your plants need fresh air


Well-Known Member
for the most part the ruderalis calms the smell down if you get a strain that isnt a skunk cross then more then likely it will be a fruity smell or natural like grass almost
either way some kind of odor control would still be required for a actual stealth grow
and really your not gonna get any faster then 8-12 weeks
just get a strain that yields less it will finish faster
also if you dont use veg nutes just flower nutes and start them at preflower it speeds them up they dont veg aslong and they yields less if you did this and used a small pot it would probably be alot faster but you might only get a dime or a 1/4 depending on pot size


Well-Known Member
i get the biggest results from 24/0 if you wanted it small and compact you could put it on a shorter lighting


Well-Known Member
12/12 isnt a option for me its against everything that is a auto
24/0 20/4 <~~~~ lowest i will go
even that feels like a waste of veg time to me


Well-Known Member
how strong was the smell on that? I need my grow to be kind of stealthy, because Mr. Landlord likes to visit the house.
very smelly lol

made my knee's tremble but why chop it so early ?
because it was ready.
hey is that the kush ryder from pakastan valley seeds??? i have some regular kush ryder at about 8 weeks...View attachment 2656310
looks nice bro, mine was world of seeds. ordered straight from their website.


I no that this is pretty late, but i decided to go with the strain Green-o-Matic by green house seeds. I'm on day 12 now, and i'm going to start a grow journal soon.


Well-Known Member
Hey these are the one that WE had turn out auto seeds #1,STAY AWAY FROM there LEMON HAZE,buddah seeds purple kush,ceres seeds easy ryder.


Active Member
Moggggy's ur plant r looking just great, I only wished I lived where I could have mine out catching that beautiful sun so I could enjoy them all the time like ur doing..


Active Member
Hey Tekdc911, Im with u on the light schedule at 24 hrs on, but I also have had great luck with going 20 on & 4 off. I really haven't noticed any difference in quality, taste, or quantity. I also believe the ruderalis does help cut down with the smell. Im in love with Dinafems Critical + autos, the bad thing with them is when manicuring the buds they stink to high heaven. My son saus he always knows when Im doing it cause he can smell it upstairs at the end of the apartments, & also out in the parking lot. I will risk the one day stink for the results it gives me.


Well-Known Member
not an "auto" however I believe the Fastest flowering cycle goes to Freedom 35. 35 day flowering cycle. DrGreenThumb I believe........... Anywho
ADD VERT IS MINT sorry for the blast.