Fastest from seed to seedling?


Well-Known Member
I'm a noob grower, just started in February of this year. But since then, I've popped many seeds because of early failed grows. I started with the paper towel method, then went to the shot glass method (I had more luck).

Typically it took 6-24 hours before the seed sank and then 3 days from planting for the seedling to break soil. It has been practically like this every time. Until now.

I dropped a Nirvana Cheese in water and it sank after 5 hours. I planted it 1/2" in soil, and the seedling came up only two days later.

What's the quickest you've ever seen a seed transition to a seedling?


Active Member
1. Put the seed in a "shot glass" with PH'd water in a dark place, wait until it sinks. Normally takes 12 hours.

2. Take the seed out of the "shot glass" and put in a damp towel and leave for 24 hours in a dark place.

3. Once the taproot has grown to around half an inch plant in pot, seedling should pop up in a day or so depending how deep you pot it.

This method normally takes 2-3 days from seed to seedling and I've had a 100% germination rate with it


Well-Known Member
ha ha shot glass tut tut...ive got some thc bombs on the go and for the first time i give the shot glass a go...under 14hours the feckers was well out of the seed and was very close to drowning...paper towel is the way for sure ive 100% with this method ;-)


Well-Known Member
Damp paper towel, between two saucers and plenty of heat, tape roots always there within 24 hours max for me


Well-Known Member
there is no need for towels cups ect. all you're doing is increasing the chance of bacteria getting on you're seeds.

i get my seeds straight from there pack. use steralise tweezers to move them from there packet straight to root riots place them pointy way up.. the root riots should be moist. were when u squeeze them they show small signs of water. you can pre soak in rizhtonic to help with the development with youre roots. but root roits contain rooting hormones already vitb1. push the seed into the cube. cover the hole with a small bit of the root roit. there then placed in a porpergator under a purple fluasent tube light. arrghh u say. the root roits kep them in the dark till the break ground and the light si there straight away. temps are 78 to 85. rh 90. once the have broken ground there dome is removed and misted with water everyday for a week to help with the drop in rh and the hardening of period. this all happens in24 hours to3 days and with s 100 percent crack/succses rate. there left in the root riots till there show there 2 true set of leafs about 11 to 13 days them moved to there next medium ect
also keep them on the dry side with a layer of perlite on the bottom of youre propagator. if noticed the tap root as a habit to grow through the drainage hole in the bottom of the root riots before there are enough roots showing to be moved. where the tap root can get damaged. the perlite helps with this


Well-Known Member
For me it seems to be the paper towel method, I think it´s fast and me as well have a 100% so far using it. Then again I´m a noob grower and have germinated no moore then 30-40 seeds so far I would guess? I don´t know if it´s pure luck or whatever but since I once by mistake took the PH´d water with H2O2 in it I did manage to cut the time slightly so the tails were about 1-1.5 cm out after approx 1.5 day after being put in the paper, normally for me it is 2 days in paper? Maybe I was just lucky but will try it again for sure, lol.

@brotherjericho, is that swiss cheese from Nirvana you´r talking about? If so that is the seeds that were fast est for me but not only to germinate but fast to clone as well, I cloned for my very first time using a kit from Root!t including plugs, test samples of firt feed and clone gel and they got roots out in 5 days + some hours which chocked me a bit??? This was my first cloning after all so I tried it again and 6 days this time, all Nirvana swiss cheese but the clones where very small taken from a slightly stunted mother but that is perhaps not even the worst part? Half of those clones were not just small but had the top removed just days before they were taken from the mother and still grow well now? I have had some shitty luck (or I simply suck at it, lol) with growing in dirt but germination and cloning went so much better. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I like the shot glass method much better, did the damp paper towel and it is a pain. Like I said, shot glass, seed sinks in 6-24 hours. I bump the seed every few hours after the first 6, if it sinks, into the soil it goes. 100% rate so far. But I'm not really talking about method in this thread, just the fastest you've seen from seed to seedling, regardless of method. I was just surprised at how fast the cheese broke soil.