fatman's Medium Pressure Large Tube Aero Tutorial

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Large Tube/Deep Chamber Medium Pressure Aero

Why Large Tube or Deep Chamber?
Simply out, and a major reason an aero systems is a highly effective growing method is that the roots suspended in air assure ease at supplying nutrient water saturated with dissolved oxygen DO.
So why large tubes or deep chambers rather than just using the commonly used small diameter PVC pipes and hollow PVC fence posts. With the small tubes/pipes roots within a few weeks must stack up in a thick layer in the bottom of the tubes. Water does not readily penetrate through these masses quickly. The water that reach the inside of these masses seldom contains adequate DO required by the roots. At best the small amount of suspended roots is free air get adequate DO and about the top half inch of the root masses. The roots stacked up under this uppermost layer get ever smaller amounts of DO as the water slowly seeps through the water logged roots. Does intermittent spraying lead to improvements in the amount of DO supplied to the roots laying stacked up in layers. No it just makes the matter worse.
Very large tubes(tall tubes) and deep chambers alleviate this problem as all or nearly all roots are suspended in air throughout the full grow.

Why Medium Pressure Aero
Aero sprayers are made for pressures of 15 to 30 PSI. http://www.dripirrigation.com/drip_irrigation_info.php?cPath=39&products_id=395
Aero misters are made for pressures of 35 to 85 psi. http://www.dripirrigation.com/index.php?cPath=43&sort=2a&page=3
Mj plants roots can most easily take up water droplets of a size between 30 and 80 microns. This is the size delivered by misters supplied with medium to high pressure nutrient solutions.
Medium pressures are cheaper and easier to supply. They do not require pressure regulators or pressure/accumulator tanks. They do not require pressure switches or pressure relief valves. All these are required by a high pressure mister system.
The pump needed for a medium pressure aero system is regularly available cheaply on eBay as they are widely used which is not the case with the Sureflo pumps most commonly used for high pressure aero systems.
The pump used for medium pressure runs 24/7 so it does not wear out prematurely do to constant on and off cycling.
Low pressure pumps actually provide water streams most commonly as the water pressure delivered by most aquarium and fountain pumps is only about 2 to 3 psi. The plants roots do not uptake this water easily. This is method called over saturation. It is equivalent to a flooding method where there is no media. I is not an efficient method of watering. As can be noted the manufacturers state the minimum pressures required for proper use is 15 psi, not 2 to 3 psi.
This information is from the patent application of the owners of the atomix aero system:
[0051]Droplet micron size for effective aeroponics should be between 30 and 80 micron and not below 5 micron. The present growing method is the first growing method to use this range of microns.

[0052]Optimum aeroponic root growth requires a specific concentration of atomized liquid that is suspended inside the grow chamber. If the atmosphere provided by the present apparatus has too high a concentration of the atomized liquid mixture, it may cause saturation of the roots and may restrict the oxygen and carbon dioxide surrounding the root structure, because too much water soaks the roots and blocks their supply of air. In one embodiment of the instant invention, the apparatus provides to the exposed root structure inside the container an atmosphere that has a concentration of the atomized liquid mixture in the atmosphere in a range of between 0.0004% (4.times.10.sup.-4%) and 0.000000027% (27.times.10.sup.-9%) by volume of the atmosphere surrounding the horticulture, depending on the plant species. A concentration above 0.0009% (9.times.10.sup.-4%) by volume of liquid will result in the saturation of the roots and restriction of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Why Drain To Waste Nutrients
Drain to waste is the safest and most easily managed nutrient system for growing pot with a sprayed nutrient delivery system. With drain to waste the nutrient system always is supplying a balanced nutrient that never changes and that always has a constant pH so the nutrients are always available. The amount actually drained to waste is small as little is sprayed. As the [0052} paragraph explains, little is needed. With recirculating reservoirs the nutrients levels and ratios change from the minute their use is started. The pH changes constantly, the EC changes constantly. The maintenance times needed for EC and pH measurements and adjustments are absurd and always insufficient.
You might want to scream the costs of drain to waste is too high. That is not the case. Consider that the vast majority of commercial green house vegetable growers growing hydroponically now use drain to waste systems, Their grow products sell for bout 25 cents to a dollar per pound versus having a value of over $3000 per pound.

How To Make The Large Tube Assembly
You will need:
A small drill and drill bit.
A manual pop rivet gun.
About 10 to 12 pop rivets per tube.
A measuring tape or ruler.
A marking pen
A drill and a hole saw.
A sheet of ½” or thicker plywood.
A saw to cut the plywood.
Some sheet rock screws to assemble the.ply wood.
To make tubes 6 inches wide and 19.5 inches tall, first go to Home Depot or Lowes or any other large hard ware Store. In the kitchen cabinet and kitchen wall covering section they will sell thin sheets of plastic wall covering that are 4 foot by 8 foot. They cost $12 to $15 each. These are simply rolled into a tube that g has a 2 inch wide overlap. While someone holds the tube wrap some tape around it to hold the round shape. Now drill a hole through both layers of the over lap a few inches from one end. Insert a pop rivet and squeeze the handle as directed until the excess rivet stems pops off. Now go to the other end and do the same. Now install a rivet every 8 inches or so. Take off the tape. Set the riveted side down on the floor or a table top. Now push on the top side. Squeeze down to approximately 6 inches tall. This is a 6” by approx 19.5 inch tube. If you want a 4 tube wide system (24 inches wide( you need to make three more tubes. IE one tube for every six inches of width. You can also make the tubes shorter and taller by roll the tubes side ways.
Now for 24 inch wide tube arrangements. Cut a piece of plywood 24” wide plus add the thickness of tow layers of plywood as once the plywood is put together it should be 24” wide inside the wood trough. Now add two sides 24” wide. Cut all of these a to about 94 inches long. Screw the sides to the 24 inch wide bottom to form a trough. Cut some 1” to 2” wide slats the length of your bottom board width. Keep the drill and slats handy. Now with the help of another push all four tubes into the box trough so that they are squeezed to 6” wide and 19.5 inches tall approx. Now install temporarily some cross slats to hold the tubes in place and to prevent the ti op of the trough from spreading. Now mark for a net pot hiole every 6: or what every spacing you prefer. I grow sog so I use 6” spacing. Now half way between each hole marking measure out for a mister head and put an X mark there. Drill your holes moving cross braces as needed. Now reinstall your cross braces where they do not interfere with your holes.
For now simply close the ends of the tubes with some black plastic bag material held in place with tape. Cut a hole in the one end bag for drainage. Use a piece og PVC gutter, two end caps and a down spout adapter for the drainage collection. Run this to a reservoir so that you can occasionally measure the drainage EC and so as to calculate the amount of water up taken by the roots. Later you can cut plates out of acrylic plastic for the tube ends so as to be able to see how your system and the roots are doing. These are simply held in place with some silicone caulking.

Tube End Plate Cutting Directions

For the 19.5 inch tall tubes 6" wide. Draw on a piece of paper a rectangle 13.5 inches tall and 6" wide. Now draw a half circle 6 inches wide and three inches tall on the bottom and top of the rectangle. Cut out the paper pattern on the inside of the lines so smaller by just just about 1/8 of an inch. This is the pattern fot the acrylic plates. It is also nice to put one about 2.5 feet down fron each end to help hold the tube shape. For the ones inside the tubes and the drainage end cut out a half circle at the center bottom of the plates with your larger hole saw used to make the net pot holes. The plates within the tubes can be held in place with a generous amount of silicone and friction. The same for the end plates.

The Pump and Its Controls
Previously I posted a thread for the misters. They supply ¾ to 1 gallon per hour. Therefore they need to spray approx 2 seconds per every minute as it takes about half that time to fully build up to over 35 psi in the tubing feeding the misters. If you spray too much you get to few hair roots but the plants will grow taller. If you spray too little the plants will grow huge amounts of hair roots and the plants will be short (dwarfed) plants. If you spray small amounts at long intervals between sprays the plants will have short inter nodal spacing (thick long buds) and will be short, and will bud very quickly. IE Ideal SOG conditions.
The pump I recommend is the IWAKI MD-70RZT pump. It is designed to run continuously. It can easily supply water to over 500 sprayers. The MD-30RZT also works but supplies more water in the 30 to 50 micron range and will only supply up to about 50 sprayers. A Hundred cam be supplied but no real well. As the system is high pressure, barbed fitting will not work well as too many leaks always appear and therefore the pressure is greatly reduced. Therefore I use John Guest fittings in my designs. They are available cheaply here in bulk.
I run white polypropylene fittings.
This at the beginning to attach to3/8” tubing.
This for each two misters.
Also this one to connect to the last fitting:
This to connect to each mister.
These for the end of each feed 3/8” line.

For the timer use a timer that allows for increments as short as two seconds every one minute. At the discharge of the pump install a tee fitting 3/4 “ and two electric solenoids. A normally closed and a normally open. The normally open is installed on the branch of the TEE fitting that supplies a return to the feed reservoir, The normally closed is installed on the branch of the Tee fitting supplying water to the misters. The pump runs constant so as to not have a shortened life span due to being repeatedly and frequently turned on and off.

Alternative Designs
Use deep chambers. A deep camber can be made easily out of dead chest freezers. They come with a drain. They are deep so allow for long large root masses. Simply remove the lid and cover with a piece of acrylic plastic painted first with Krylon Fushion flat black pai t and then flat white paint Drill holes with a hole saw for net pots and misters.

Also a good option is to make deep cubic shaped boxes with a drain and paint them with tow part epoxy paint. The paint is made foruse in painting the inside of drinking water tanks so it is safe for use with aero grown plants. Use an acrylic plastic lid drilled and painted.

There is no other system with a full write up anywhere in this forum, or anywhere else on the web with a higher yield in a shorter time then this system. And there are no low DO issues or root rot issues. Low nutrient reservoir temps are not necessary.

I use horizontal 250 watt lights, two HPS and one 6500K halide lights from eBay. I use DIY liquid cooled so the lights are only a few inches above vegging and budding plants. Air cooled lighting tube also work well but require the lights be a higher. With close lighting the 47 watts per square foot is mre than enough lighting. Larger lights must be hung higher so many times they actually supply poorer light as well as porrlydistributed uneven lighting. The reflectors are simplehomemade parabolic reflectors made with specrralar aluminum from Canada. I use glass tubing from here. they sell it in 60 inck long tubes but cut to orger. I buy it cut to 20" lengths.


The alumnum reflector material:

This sytem can easily be up sized or down sized and is not really an expensive or difficult system to set up. Thepump is usually available on Ebay for about $110. The misters are only a few cents more expensive than the low pressure sprayers. The solenoids are available on ebay.

one of these days..... i really want to try something like this or eventually the high pressure systems ive seen you post about. thanks for posting this information. i like reading your posts even though some people dont seem to
Got pics??? I'm lost Sorry

I quit posting photos after my last drug conviction for manafacturing. I think the directions are simple. Do you have questions? What part is confusing? I can add or edit it to possibly make it simplier, but I need to know what part is not under standable and therefore needs editting or additionalexplanation. Would drawings help? I can post photos of materials and tools, pumps etc. I will not post photos of completely assembled systems, systems in operation or fany finished agricultural products produced by my assembled systems or system designs already in use that I desined for others.

I can perhaps post photos of constructed components such as tubes ready for use, with misters and their plumbing. Plumbing with solenoids at Tee fitting etc. Even end plates, or all the components for DIY water cooled or air cooled lighting tubes and directions to make and assemble them. the water cooled ubes requaire a router a drill and a fewtaps for threading holes for screws and water fittings. I have a simple soft ware program for making the reflectors but it either has to be down loaded from on-line or sent to an email address allowing attaahments.
But no photos will be posted of a working or fully assembled system. Won't do that. I do not post drug or drug paraphernalia photos on a mj growing site.
+1 from drawings/diagrams. I understand the basics such as
:medium pressure aero system
:drain to waste
:pump runs 24 hours with solenoid

beyond that, i can't visualize the how it would actually look with the tube assembly or where the roots go or where the plant goes and where the misters go.

PLease don't post any pictures that would incriminate you, but maybe pictures of a setup without any plants in it would be good, or drawings/CAD pictues etc...

Also, Fatman, how do you deal with the big vulnerability of aero, that being if there is any sort of system/pump/electric failure, your whole crop is essentially lost after a few hours?

I thought you were 100% legal now. If so, then why the paranoia?:?

im sure its better being safe than sorry. Even if he had to go through a legal litigation to prove he was innocent, it would be a big hassle
I quit posting photos after my last drug conviction for manafacturing. I think the directions are simple. Do you have questions? What part is confusing? I can add or edit it to possibly make it simplier, but I need to know what part is not under standable and therefore needs editting or additionalexplanation. Would drawings help? I can post photos of materials and tools, pumps etc. I will not post photos of completely assembled systems, systems in operation or fany finished agricultural products produced by my assembled systems or system designs already in use that I desined for others.

I can perhaps post photos of constructed components such as tubes ready for use, with misters and their plumbing. Plumbing with solenoids at Tee fitting etc. Even end plates, or all the components for DIY water cooled or air cooled lighting tubes and directions to make and assemble them. the water cooled ubes requaire a router a drill and a fewtaps for threading holes for screws and water fittings. I have a simple soft ware program for making the reflectors but it either has to be down loaded from on-line or sent to an email address allowing attaahments.
But no photos will be posted of a working or fully assembled system. Won't do that. I do not post drug or drug paraphernalia photos on a mj growing site.
I thought you were 100% legal now. If so, then why the paranoia?:?

I sell no mj. I am a consultant to a mj non profit orgainzation that grows medical mj. I maintain one or tow test bed systems in my home for design testing and research. IE notice the words NON PROFIT. It requires a permit from the state to make purchases. The majority is actually provided to registered/licensed users free of cost. None is sold to no medical mj users. Most is actually distributed for only the cost of the monthly $10 dues required to join the non profit organization. I am a fully tenured college professor with a PhD, a Masters, and a handfull of Bachelors degree. I own two small businesses and own and operate an engineering consulting/design firm. The businesses are a coral propagation business and reef aquarium systems design business. I employee three full time engineers and an administrative staff of 4 people and keep an average of 4 or 5 part time graduate students empoyeed at any given time in the reef business.

I have no need for the money that could be made from illegal drug sells. I have never in my life sold drugs child, nor have I ever supplied mj to anyone but a person with a permit for medical marijana. I paid the attorney d fees and all cots needed to start up the first non profit organization in myhome state in 1987 after the 15 year old daughter of a friend entered chemo therapy treatment for cancer. She was the frst client to receive mj from the organization. Have I designed systems for people who may not use them for growing medical mj. I do not ask them who they will be growing for or why. I tell them how I feel about drug addiction and "recreational" use of drugs and alcohol and leave it at that. I do not ask people here who ask for help what they intend to do with the mj they grow. My control stops at what I grow. I know what I grow and the on prf ofit grows only goes to legal medical mj users. Much even gets thrown away. At an averageproduction cost of less than 50 cents per gram who acres about a few pounds thrown a way evey week or so. Recreational users are loser. They are wasting a part of their lives (wasted/stoned out side of reality) that they can never relive with all their senses. That is losing.

Selling pot. I likely pay more in taxes per year then the combined yearly incomes of 10 or more posters on this site.
+1 from drawings/diagrams. I understand the basics such as
:medium pressure aero system
:drain to waste
:pump runs 24 hours with solenoid

beyond that, i can't visualize the how it would actually look with the tube assembly or where the roots go or where the plant goes and where the misters go.

PLease don't post any pictures that would incriminate you, but maybe pictures of a setup without any plants in it would be good, or drawings/CAD pictues etc...

Also, Fatman, how do you deal with the big vulnerability of aero, that being if there is any sort of system/pump/electric failure, your whole crop is essentially lost after a few hours?

im sure its better being safe than sorry. Even if he had to go through a legal litigation to prove he was innocent, it would be a big hassle
My point is that he says he doesn't grow, sell or smoke weed. If so then why is he worried about posting pics of his "system"?:?
My point is that he says he doesn't grow, sell or smoke weed. If so then why is he worried about posting pics of his "system"?:?

What difference does it make? He posts lots of usual information here on this forum so why do you wanna bust his balls over whether he has plants in his home or not?
What difference does it make? He posts lots of usual information here on this forum so why do you wanna bust his balls over whether he has plants in his home or not?
I could give a shit what fatman grows or doesn't grow. It just seems unusual for someone to brag about being 100% legal yet they won't show pics of their setup. That doesn't make you a little suspicious? A little healthy suspicion is a good thing when it comes to this hobby don't ya think? He is also a jerk to just about anybody that posts in his threads or asks him a question. :twisted:
My point is that he says he doesn't grow, sell or smoke weed. If so then why is he worried about posting pics of his "system"?:?
well, he has done jail time in the past.

Also, I am currently 100% medical and legal, however I am still reluctant to spread that information. Simple thing is police don't know the laws always, and could give you hassle costing you $10,000's+ just on their mistakes even if you are found to be innocent. Better safe than sorry imo, well take what Fatman gives us, he isn't obligated to post here if he doesn't feel comfortable with certain details.
It just seems unusual for someone to brag about being 100% legal yet they won't show pics of their setup.

Doesn't seem unusual to me. My suspicion is he is not actually 100% legal and does not wish to incriminate himself by saying otherwise or posting pics. Either way it makes no difference to me. He obviously knows what he is talking about. So just soak up the knowledge and forget the BS. At least thats how I feel about it. No sense driving away people with useful knowledge. This board is losing enough people as it is.
fatman and I go back a ways. We have friendly banter (I actually just like to see him get worked up).:shock: It's all good. I grow soil so I don't have a lot of use for this info but it looks good to me. :mrgreen:
fatman and I go back a ways. We have friendly banter (I actually just like to see him get worked up).:shock: It's all good. I grow soil so I don't have a lot of use for this info but it looks good to me. :mrgreen:
maybe well have you as a new convert soon ^_^
My point is that he says he doesn't grow, sell or smoke weed. If so then why is he worried about posting pics of his "system"?:?

I do not smoke pot anymore that is true. I quit smoking many 20 years a go that is true. I do grow mj for others that is true. I am forbidden by state law from holding a permit to grow medical mj for anyone. A fact, as I am a convicted drug felon. I have always grown mj since 1974, except while in prison. Even then my own growing is now limited to research and system designs, testing of new designs, seed production, nutrient research etc. I have tissue samples tested of all I grow so I am quite aware of what the systems are capable of doing. I also grow many things besides mj. No I do not smoke or sell the mj grown in my own home, but by state law I am allowed to grow the mj in my own home. No I myself as a drug felon can not grow even medical mj for others. That is against state law. I simply just don't talk about what I do with that which is grown in my own home. Even then I am in no way exempt from federal laws against growing mj for my self. The non profit organization I am associatted with grows only medical mj and distributes it only to licensed medical marijuana users that are members of the orgainization. They pay a $10 per month fee to the organization..Often that is all they pay for the mj they receive. the organization operates legally under state law and with a federal tax exemption so I really am not fearful of that involement. I see only the few medical MJ users that are members that show up at the Members annual board meeting. None typically show up at the regular monthly board meetings. I do not even know their names. They are known to be only by permit numbers. I do not deal with the clients. I am a consultant and an executive board member. I paid the initail fees, and lawyer cost to get the organization founded in 1986. The people actually doing the growing are contracted employees. The board members receive no pay, only employees. Ido not charge consulting fees to medical mj growers who possess permits to grow for others. Al consulations or sytem design woork other wise comes at a cost. These funds I donate to the non profit. Anything else yu want to know doc111. I aloso own an Environmental enginnering design and cossulation firm with full time three engineers on staff and two other unrelated businesses. My university salary alone assures me of adequatefumnds to do what ever I wish without worrying about money. The rest is just cream on the cake.

The other stystems I design for others are their business. I only assist in a consulatation manner after the designed system is constructed. Once they are constructed and in use I seldom have much involvment as they are typically just up sized (large) version of designs I build in a small scale Many of the designs start out in a university reserch lab. I am a Professorand resercher by occupation. The small scale vesrios designed in my home or the university lab are typiaccly sized more in line with what a small scale commercial growers need. They are easily down scaled from there but some efficiency is loss as things like CO2 systems and EC and pH controllers and pump or solenoid systems cost the same regardless of the system size to a large degree. If you did some resaech you would find that post information that knowinly is used by another individual to manafcture a controlled substance is conspiracy. set my limit of what chances I would takewhen I resumed posting to mj forums after my last stint in prison. I wil discuss sytems design and growing information and nutreint ifo etc to legal growers of medical mj. However I will not post photos of ready y to use systems, systems in use or products produced. If that is not acceptable to a perons or persons I suggest that the put me on their ignore list and remove this thread from their subscription list...

The picture posting topic is closed!!!!!!

Doc111: I had you on my ignore list for along time for good cause. For good cause you are now back on my ignore list. I would prefer you put me on your ignore list and remove this thread from your subscriptions list. Thank you.
+1 from drawings/diagrams. I understand the basics such as
:medium pressure aero system
:drain to waste
:pump runs 24 hours with solenoid Two solenoids

beyond that, i can't visualize the how it would actually look with the tube assembly or where the roots go or where the plant goes and where the misters go. On the top of the tubes on the first tube drill a hole for your net pot on the top of the 6" wide tube 3" from the end of the tube. 6" further drill another hole for your next plant. I just use and recommend 2" pots for SOG grows. No medium. Just stick the cutting through the slot in a neopreme top and place it on/in the net pot top.ontiue to end of thetube. Now on the second tube drill the first hole 6" inches from the end of the tube. Continue the rest of the way down the tubedrilling a pot hole every 6". On the third tube strat at 3" agin, and on the forth tube at 6". IE stagger your holes. Now drill a hole bt etwwen ecah pot hole for your mister. They do not need a grommet. They stick just part way into the tubes and are held by friction. The tubing is 3/8" out side diameter and 1/4" out side diameter tubing. Between tubes #1 and #2 you run a 3/8 inch diameter tube. You install a Tee fitting between the two first two holes in tubes #1 and #2 on the 3/8: tubing. From thatTee you run a short tube to a Tee that is 1/4 inch on all legs. From tow legs of the Tee run 1/4 inch tubing to each of the two misters. This tubing connects to a 90 Degree fitting. There is a shrot piece of 1/4" tubing that runs from the last fitting to a barbed mister. That is the only placed with a potential leak issue, but there is usually no problem as long as you never reuse the short tube after pulling the mister off for occasional replacement. Alaways replace the short piece of tubing after removing a barbed sprayer from it. For cleaning the sprayer you just remove the tube and mister togther soak them in diluted acid and replace. I used to kkepparemisters on tubing and just replace the dirty ones with clean ones.
Continue down thel ine and install all the others. There are fittings to also use at the end of the lines. At the beginning you simply use a standard 3/4" standar PVC pipe fitting with two adapters to use with the 3/8" to 1/2" guest fittings.

PLease don't post any pictures that would incriminate you, but maybe pictures of a setup without any plants in it would be good, or drawings/CAD pictues etc...

Also, Fatman, how do you deal with the big vulnerability of aero, that being if there is any sort of system/pump/electric failure, your whole crop is essentially lost after a few hours?

Generators are used for power at remote grows designs. There are back up generators at the sites also. People live on the sites and actually operate te rooms. For my own small set ups in my home I have four large 12 volt batteries hooked up to an invertor like a UPS back up used for computers. As long as regular power is available only a trickle charger is running on the batteries and when power fails the batteries feed the invertor. A lap top is also tied to theystem and my cell phone receives a canned message. I then leave work within two hours if the power is not restored to start a generator. Actually my landlord usually starts it within 15 minutes as it supplies the heating system for both homes, but occasionally he does not know of the power outage as he has not ben at home. I have a generator that is 6 KW. Only the water system timer and solenoids and pumps used to uwhen the system was on batteries. Now I have only airatomized aero so only a few solenoids and the timer must have power. The air tanks can supply over 36 hours of air and the compressor comes on when there is still about 12 hours of air in the tanks. No lights, etc run on the batteries.

im sure its better being safe than sorry. Even if he had to go through a legal litigation to prove he was innocent, it would be a big hassle

Prison is such a waste of time.

Photos and copies of posts from an online mj forum site were presented in evidence against me in the lower courts. They needed no search warrnts to obtain them as the forum the site gave them to the police upon a verbal request. All physical evidence from the search warants on my home were thrown out due to their improperly obtained and executed.The posted words were throw out, but the lower court allowed the photos to be entered as as evidence. Ie it was the only evidence. I was convicted of a class B drug manafacturing felony. The 9th Districts Federal Appellate Court ruled that the photos were improperly used as evidence of a crime. However they would not over turn the conviction as they said the photos were not prejudicial because although the photos were not evidence that could be used toward determining a conviction they could be used to show that I had a propensity to commit the crime of manafacturing an illicit drug, so I could be found guilty on circumstantial evidence alone. They did not indicate just what the circumstantial evidence might be. Gofigure. And that was thecourt that made the determination that a States Constitution could guarantee te individual the right to possess and use pot in the privacy of their own home. I was growing a great deal over the number of plants (24) allowed for personal use by the state.
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