Fav Kind of Cig


Well-Known Member
Kool 100's SL, it's a habit i picked up while i was in my 'rolling' days. I found There was nothing better than a menthol Cigarette when taking Ecstasy.


Well-Known Member
well a joint is equal too 3 plus cigs, so whatever it is you smoke will fuck you up, that is something we all accept here


Well-Known Member
Nahhhh...you read too much BS...a joint is no where near that...I smoke them all day everyday..and they do not compare to that menthol shit ..puttin crystals in your lung's.. TRUST ME...lol


Well-Known Member
Smoking pure marijuana is at least as harmful to lungs as smoking tobacco, a report from the British Lung Foundation concludes. And in some key ways, it may be more dangerous.

For example, the BLF's review of previous research highlights that just three marijuana joints a day causes the same damage to the lung's airways as 20 cigarettes, mainly because of the way joints are smoked.

Individually, cannabis and tobacco produce the same constituents and quantities of chemicals known to be toxic to respiratory tissue, other than nicotine, the report says. But when cannabis and tobacco are smoked together, the health effects are worse.

A key finding highlighted by the review of 90 published papers is that the amount of smoke taken into the lungs is two thirds larger if cannabis is being smoked. The smoke is also taken one third deeper into the lungs - and that smoke is held an average of four times longer before being exhaled.

"You inhale deeper and hold your breath with the smoke for longer before exhaling. This results in more poisonous carbon monoxide and tar entering into the lungs," says Helena Shovelton, BLF's chief executive.

Other points in the report include:

• Tar from cannabis cigarettes contains up to 50 per cent higher concentrations of carcinogens benzathracenes and benzpyrenes than tobacco smoke

• THC, the primary psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, decreases the function of immune system cells that help protect the lungs from infection

• The average cannabis cigarette smoked in the 1960s contained about 10 milligrams of tetrahydrocanabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive ingredient. Today, it may contain 150 mg.

"This means that the modern cannabis smoker may be exposed to greater doses of THC than in the 1960s or 1970s," says the report. "This in turn means that studies investigating the long-term effects of smoking cannabis have to be interpreted cautiously."


Well-Known Member
Smoking pure marijuana is at least as harmful to lungs as smoking tobacco, a report from the British Lung Foundation concludes. And in some key ways, it may be more dangerous.

For example, the BLF's review of previous research highlights that just three marijuana joints a day causes the same damage to the lung's airways as 20 cigarettes, mainly because of the way joints are smoked.

Individually, cannabis and tobacco produce the same constituents and quantities of chemicals known to be toxic to respiratory tissue, other than nicotine, the report says. But when cannabis and tobacco are smoked together, the health effects are worse.

A key finding highlighted by the review of 90 published papers is that the amount of smoke taken into the lungs is two thirds larger if cannabis is being smoked. The smoke is also taken one third deeper into the lungs - and that smoke is held an average of four times longer before being exhaled.

"You inhale deeper and hold your breath with the smoke for longer before exhaling. This results in more poisonous carbon monoxide and tar entering into the lungs," says Helena Shovelton, BLF's chief executive.

Other points in the report include:

• Tar from cannabis cigarettes contains up to 50 per cent higher concentrations of carcinogens benzathracenes and benzpyrenes than tobacco smoke

• THC, the primary psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, decreases the function of immune system cells that help protect the lungs from infection

• The average cannabis cigarette smoked in the 1960s contained about 10 milligrams of tetrahydrocanabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive ingredient. Today, it may contain 150 mg.

"This means that the modern cannabis smoker may be exposed to greater doses of THC than in the 1960s or 1970s," says the report. "This in turn means that studies investigating the long-term effects of smoking cannabis have to be interpreted cautiously."
no offense...but YADDA YADDDA YADDDA,....


Well-Known Member
manufactured cigs? marlboro reds, lucky strikes (can rarely get either of them in canada though), i usually smoke belmont kingsize.

rolling tobacco? nothing finer. i like drum blue or cheetah, but i've tried old holborn to some extent too. whatever i do, i stay away from players and american spirit!


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke cigs BUT most people that I know who do smoke the
CRUSH by camel liggghhhhttt

Both of both worlds i've heard


Well-Known Member
never heard of those.

lol one thing i love doing to people who don't smoke is grinding up some of my flint from my lighter and getting it on my cig...then when i smoke it sparkles and i tell them it's a celebration cig haahaha