FCK ME RUNNING<Droped seedling!!Help!

Angel B Smooth

Active Member
Ok so I got a great deal on bubblelicious and did the paper towel method, put them in the Jiffy pots and under 24 hour lights, Temp going between 86-90, hummidity 20-35%.

two days of this and I F'in knock over all three of my babies while adjusting the lights:wall:, it took me 10 minutes to get the seedlings back in their pots and then I gave them some pity water, I don't Know what else to do:?:,

Should I give up hpe for them to grow or can MJ be strong and survive this shock, I still have more seeds I can use.

I wasnt even high!!:dunce:



Well-Known Member
Thier growth might be stunted a little but I would not worry to much. Keep an eye on them and give them some time before you try to germinate some more. If you save these plants then you would just be wasting some good seeds.

Angel B Smooth

Active Member
really? thats a load off, I'm the first in my group to get this far and am really hoping for a great first grow. What do you think of the temp?


Well-Known Member
Temps are a little on the high side. Once you get a plant to peek up I would drop those temps down to about 75F.


Well-Known Member
90F is way to high for plants. They do like it a little warmer when rooting though. What kind of light are you using?


Well-Known Member
You have holes cut in the box for the intake? That is it right. I would put a fan on the inside of the box so it sucks the air from outside and into the box. This will allow more air flow.


Well-Known Member
I miss read your post sorry. Take one of your intake fans and mount it to the hole for the exahust. You will have one sucking in fresh air and one blowing out hot air.

Angel B Smooth

Active Member
Aha! ok your right maybe I just need to get air out of there faster than the passive exhaust Im using now. I will try it out and post n update.


Well-Known Member
I have a box that I made for vegging and I just put 4 1" holes in the side of the box then put a 6" desk fan on the inside of the box so it sucks in the fresh air. I would just put one of your intake fans on one of your exhaust holes and see if that works before getting another fan.