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Active Member
yo why u cloes my thred homes, i was just chattin with the community and having logical discourse, what is the meaning of this travesty!


Well-Known Member
yeah and I had an exceptionally witty comeback that would have won me a lot of points with my peers!


Well-Known Member
The one where I was exclaiming my urge to have sexual relations with underage girls.

lucky i didn't flat out ban you. :fire:

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There may be places where explicit, obscene or vulgar language, graphics or behavior is appropriate however Rollitup is not one of those places. Posts containing explicit, obscene or vulgar language will be removed. Similarly, posts that solicit or offer explicit or X-rated GIFs, JPEGs or similar content files will be deleted without notice! Links to Websites with adult content/images anywhere on the site will be removed. Simply put, we do not wish to be seen as supporting any site that contains adult content - adult content being defined as any material that you would not feel comfortable showing to your spouse, your teenagers, or your boss and co-workers. This represents our values and our desire to appeal to the widest possible audience not to mention keeping clear of any restrictions that our present or future advertisers might have regarding acceptable content.


Active Member
lucky i didn't flat out ban you. :fire:

Be Appropriate!
There may be places where explicit, obscene or vulgar language, graphics or behavior is appropriate however Rollitup is not one of those places. Posts containing explicit, obscene or vulgar language will be removed. Similarly, posts that solicit or offer explicit or X-rated GIFs, JPEGs or similar content files will be deleted without notice! Links to Websites with adult content/images anywhere on the site will be removed. Simply put, we do not wish to be seen as supporting any site that contains adult content - adult content being defined as any material that you would not feel comfortable showing to your spouse, your teenagers, or your boss and co-workers. This represents our values and our desire to appeal to the widest possible audience not to mention keeping clear of any restrictions that our present or future advertisers might have regarding acceptable content.
I understand, for the adverts :/

I guess I will have to drop the gimmick already :/

so ronery


Well-Known Member
The one where I was exclaiming my urge to have sexual relations with underage girls.
Well youll probably Give me a neg rep for this but here it is!!!!If i were a mod i ban you short eyed ass for life freak.Dont they have forums for twisted little sex fiends???:fire:
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