Fed up with Spider mites.


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have been using the on part rubbing alcohol to one part water deal like 1ce a week and it might be helping on some but one has those yellow spots EVERYWHERE and its noticably stunted.

I really want to use a sure deal and wipe these fuckers out. Im 27 days in flower now, can i use a miticide??? Plz say yes....


Active Member
Hey man-- not too sure about answering the question you asked specifically-- however, I've heard Doctor Doom is one of the best on the market...

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have been using the on part rubbing alcohol to one part water deal like 1ce a week and it might be helping on some but one has those yellow spots EVERYWHERE and its noticably stunted.

I really want to use a sure deal and wipe these fuckers out. Im 27 days in flower now, can i use a miticide??? Plz say yes....
Since you have a serious infection I would use a fogger. You should use a Pyrethrin Fogger, turn off all fans and lights set it off and leave for a few hours.

Pyrethrin is a natural pesticide that, breaks down and become harmless in a few days. The problem is it only kills adult spider mites so set off another bomb three or four days later to get the new hatchlings.

Make sure the fogger does not spray directly on the plants because the propellent will damage them.

If you want an all natural control you can use beneficial insects, this site had a spider mite predator combo but mite predators do not breed well under 12/12. Ladybugs work but may not work fast enough if the infestation is really bad. www.naturescontrol.com

I use neem oil on my plants every week or so as a foliar spray and it does a really good job at keeping away mites and other pests before they happen. I stop the neem spray about two weeks into flower however.


Well-Known Member
Since you have a serious infection I would use a fogger. You should use a Pyrethrin Fogger, turn off all fans and lights set it off and leave for a few hours.

Pyrethrin is a natural pesticide that, breaks down and become harmless in a few days. The problem is it only kills adult spider mites so set off another bomb three or four days later to get the new hatchlings.

Make sure the fogger does not spray directly on the plants because the propellent will damage them.

If you want an all natural control you can use beneficial insects, this site had a spider mite predator combo but mite predators do not breed well under 12/12. Ladybugs work but may not work fast enough if the infestation is really bad. www.naturescontrol.com

I use neem oil on my plants every week or so as a foliar spray and it does a really good job at keeping away mites and other pests before they happen. I stop the neem spray about two weeks into flower however.

Right on man, yea i was reading up and found that there are predatory mites, what a trip. But unfortunatly i have 10 dollars in my pocket and NO income, im basically a street kid.

So a pyrethrin fogger... Im pretty sure i can get something that has pyrethrin at my local nursery, but im not sure i understand the fogger bit. They must have these at a horticulture store.... What do they run for?

Cause ya man i need to figure something out, one of my plants is madly freckled with yellow spots and it breaks my heart.

Ill have to get some neem oil in the mean time....


Well-Known Member
You should be able to get the foggers for $4-5 each, just make sure you get pyrethrin not the other chemical stuff.


Active Member
Get some No Pest strips,6 bucks at lowes,homedepot.they last for 4 months ,leave em in for a 2 weeks to a month and store in a ziploc in case you need them again.Ive used them ,they work great.It take two weeks for spider mites to hatch,so whatever you do repeat the process in two weeks,no pest strips are the easiest to use,hang in grow area and forgot about it.


Active Member
Also humidity can kill them,you can run a humidifier ,but be careful too much humidity can cause mold issue.Spider mites like hot,dry weather.