Feed FF Big Bloom alone or with other nutes?


Active Member
My plants are in their first week of 12/12 flowering. They're in soil, using CFLs and were vegged for 8 weeks with Schultz 10-15-10 nutes. I've given them a dose of the Fox Farms Big Bloom since starting the 12/12 schedule, and they seem happy with it. As the Big Bloom is organic and rather mild, I was wondering if I should be using it at EVERY watering...or in addition to other nutes? I want to get the most out of my first grow, but I don't want to over feed and burn them. My plants range from 11-21 inches in height, and I've got at least 5-6 feet of vertical room to grow up with them. What kind of numbers should I be looking for if I need to add other nutes to the Big Bloom? Is the Schultz 10-15-10 still okay, or do I need something else?


Hey bud, you should just ditch the schultz and pair your Big Bloom with Tiger Bloom from Fox Farm. This combo works great and you can feed every watering. I recommend that you feed every other watering, just to make sure you dont get salt build up and risk nutrient lockout. Fox Farm also has 3 dry nutes for your bloom cycle "Open sesame" for your 1st 2 weeks of bloom "Beastie Blooms" for the middle of your bloom weeks 4-6 and Cha Ching for the last 2 to 3 weeks of bloom. These arnt a must have for a big and healthy harvest but, they do help with size and crystal production;) Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Hey bud, you should just ditch the schultz and pair your Big Bloom with Tiger Bloom from Fox Farm. This combo works great and you can feed every watering. I recommend that you feed every other watering, just to make sure you dont get salt build up and risk nutrient lockout. Fox Farm also has 3 dry nutes for your bloom cycle "Open sesame" for your 1st 2 weeks of bloom "Beastie Blooms" for the middle of your bloom weeks 4-6 and Cha Ching for the last 2 to 3 weeks of bloom. These arnt a must have for a big and healthy harvest but, they do help with size and crystal production;) Hope this helps
I use Schultz and its a very light nutrient my plants love it during veg and flowering, but i heard fox farm is organic and makes incredible nutrients. Im planing on switching to it next grow :]


Active Member
Need to keep costs down, so I can't really load up on expensive nutes...just wondered if I should double up and use the Schultz that I already have, along with the Fox Farm Big Bloom I just started using (since the FF is very mild). Anyone think this is a good idea, or would it be too much?


Well-Known Member
Some people use nutes then water then nutes you get what i'm getting at,i used to do the same but in the past few years i have given plant's vegg for 4 week under a 6oo hps with 1 drop of superthrive per litre.And continued to feed the veg nutes for 4 week thats all i veg for this brings the plants up too around a ft and harf,then i flush before adding the flowering nutes,but a tip i picked up in a- dam was to flush but wait the the run of was clear then wait again till all the run of stop's then follow on with the flowering in the same day.Before anyone say's it by week four of vegging if the plant has not got a good root sytem something is wrong.This ammount of water does no harm at all,they sometime's look a little sad for a couple of days but don't worry they will pick up after a couple of days.then they recive advanced sensi bloom with bud blood for 2 week then sensi bloom with big bud till begining of week 5 then overdrive,i sometimes add water between each change of pk spike but it is not rtealy needed most of the time i just swop straight over.But only if you are useing the same name pk spike has the bloom nute,i would never mix nutes this can cause some problems that can effect the yeild so i think anything that can be avoided then best too,any questions in box me tyke.......................................