feeding method


Active Member
hi well i was reading a grow journal on here and som1 said this "i had a chat with advanced nutes and the dude told me to break it up over each watering. ex 1400ppm required. watering every 4 days or so = 350ppm/watering ya dig
i ask couse yer previous posts about your runnoff, i dont have a ppm meter so im curious how mine looks. probly up there tho. i used to water 1400 every water, but i noticed a lot more growth when i broke it up"

does anyone else use this method ? i mean like say if i wanted to water at 800ppm . i will break it up 200ppm every feeding for the whole week and give them enough so it drys out every 2 days?? no watering till runoff ? or else it take 5 days to dry .. i mean so ur bassicly never giving them a water day . its feed only but at small doses


Well-Known Member
The way you described it doesnt really seem like it would be the same. Feeding less at 1400ppm vs feeding more at a lower ppm (lets say 350)

If your feeding once at 1400ppm then thats the amount of additives in the water at that time, feeding more at 350ppm will never equal the 1400ppm. Watering more often with a lower PPM wouldnt add up over the week, you would just be feeding them more often with a diluted solution.

I dont think that the PPM should differ for feedings, it should only be measured to make sure your not going over for that particular feeding cycle. Only the amount your feeding them should change. If your res was at 1400 with what you needed, you could simply water more at one time, Or water less multiple times, and always be using the 1400 ppm water.