Fem seed project, outdoor pollination advice?.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

I'm new to breeding with colloidal silver. I currently have 2 Malawis,3 Panamas(reg) and an Uzbeki indica growing outside at 37.4S

DSC01296.jpgMalawi.jpgMalawi2.jpg Here's a female Malawi(regular seed clone) that I've sprayed for 5 weeks.

I posted this in the outdoor section to get any info on how to pollinate my plants outside. I only want to pollinate a branch from each strain - how do I do that without ruining the rest of the crop?. plastic bag?.

Malawi3.jpg A few 'sacs' have burst open so I collected them in a bag, is this correct?. I have tinfoil around the plant to collect the pollen, will this be good enough?.
Also what crosses do you guys reckon I should make?, Malawi onto itself again is a must.

Cheers guys I'll upload some pics of the plants when I next visit them.


Well-Known Member
use a paintbrush and get some pollen onto it and paint the buds you want to grow seeds being careful not to do it to hard or you will send pollen flying. If you want to be really careful cover the whole plant with a garbage bag except for the branch(s) you want to pollinate