Female or Male ?


Active Member
Hi everybody , can you say male or female is the plant ? Thank you .Also every 4-5 days 6-7 leaves from the plant is like burned and I'm removing them .What coud be the problem ? Plants are sitting nex to the window .Im not using any lights ...Only watering every two days like 200ml per pot.



Well-Known Member
Pictures are a little blurry. Try getting ones near internodes. But the ones from a distance are clear. It looks to me you have a female. Usually when leaves fall on their own its due to a nitrogen deficiency. And it does look that in your plant. Are you using nutes?


Active Member
I'm using liquid from the shop that contains N,P,K 20% each but thats only some drops per 1 liter water.They have also not much sun ,only 4-5 Hours each day .Is that so big problem ?


stays relevant.
Seeing as how you don't have better photos I think that this will answer your questions...

I hope that helps.