Female seeds C99: The experimental grow.


Well-Known Member
Going to document my current C99 in a new thread for 3 reasons. First, my original is too many pages long now. Second, I want to differentiate between the 2 grows as they will be different phenotypes and lastly because for this grow I have been and will be experimenting with a few different techniques to what I am used to, to see if they are any good. Why always do things the same way? Why not take some of the tips you read about and try them out?

The techniques I will/have been using are as follows.
1) Topping at node 2 for 4 main colas.
2) The 'Gas Lantern Routine' Lighting schedule for veg
3) Not using high P value bloom food, instead using a low P all purpose food intended for chillies.
4) Not starving the plant in it's last week.

My setup remains the same, plain old 250 watt hps, duel spectrum bulb and a small closet. The only other change is the omission of biobizz soil. Instead I have bought a very cheap $2 a bag all purpose potting compost with no perlite. It has worked VERY well so far. So much for the expensive stuff marketed for cannabis growing.

I am already into the first week of flowering, and I can report that the 'Gas lantern routine' worked extremely well as you will see. I got vegging complete in 16 days, and that includes a recovery from topping period. Though, I only vegged to 6 inches, as I've established that that's my ideal height to flip at to suit my current grow space.

I can also report that topping above the second node has also produced my best result from topping so far.

Here she is at 2 days old ,sprouted in 3 days.DSC031902.jpg5 days oldDSC031951.jpgDay 8DSC03241.jpg Day 9, Topped on this dayDSC032432.jpg Day 12. Very fast recovery from toppingDSC03273.jpgDay 14. DSC03276.jpgDSC03280.jpgDay 17. Day 1 of flowering (6 inches tall).DSC033363.jpgDSC033373.jpgDay 20. Day 4 of flowering (8 inches tall). Smell is starting to get strong of DANK. Only when the plant is disturbed though. Quite a few larger, indica style leaves on this phenotype alsoDSC03352.jpgJoin me for the remaining 50 days of ensuing bud porn :weed: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks ec,, glad to have ya on board! I changed my mind about decreasing the light during flower, think i'll stick to 12/12


Well-Known Member
Sweet as man, should be good either way. I remember an article by DJ Short a while ago about light schedules and all it said was that it may take a week or so longer to mature but enhances the sativa qualities and flavours...my NLxBB grow did exactly that, it seemed to bring out all 3 pretty well and took slightly longer to ripen..food for thought anyway mate :)


Well-Known Member
Are we talking about the same thing here? I am talking about reducing the light by half an hour every week after week 2 so you end up with only 9 hours of light by the end. Thought it might speed things up, but people say you will lose yield, so maybe not worth it...

Here is day 6 of flowering. up to 10 inches tall ,and VERY bushy. I had to go and buy some air fresheners today, she is getting hella dank smelling... I thought c99 was fruity NOT dank.. god damn.

She looks good though, some of the fan leaves are getting epic looking


Po boy

Well-Known Member
hey puff! cindy is looking good. i just planted my first cindy a few days ago so it will be interesting following u along. sorry to hear about the strong smell. i remember the cindy you grew recently had very low odor. GL


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, Have you got a journal? Yeah the last cindy was so low odour it was a delight to grow. Not to worry though, The air fresheners are working so far


Well-Known Member
Ah sorry man, we may not be lol. I was talking about starting at 12/12, then gradually decreasing by half and hour till you get to 10 on 14 off.


Well-Known Member
no that does sound the same actually. Only stopping at 10 instead of 9. I didn't realaise this is what you did, did you like the effect then? Btw You not starting a cindy grow soon?


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, I did like how it came out actually, bought out some of the sativa traits and enhanced the flavour a lot compared to the same one i grew before it. It did take about 10 days extra to ripen but i found it worked well. Im going to be doing it again with the g13 labs cindy thats growing now :)
Dont think i'll be journalling the c99 this time though as its going to my mates next weekend so wont get to see it as often as i would if it was at my joint. I'll post up some pics for you when she gets a bit bigger, i just topped her at the 4th node and she is still tiny!


Well-Known Member
Cool man, What should I type into google to read about this further? I always thought less light sped things up, not slowed it down. As in the plant thinks winter is approaching sooner and finishes up?

Day 8 of flowering now and things starting to look a bit dodgy. No preflowers yet and very little stretch. Only up to 10.5 inches so 4.5 inches in 8 days : / and the thing is TOO bushy now, If it does't get at least another 12 inches taller I can see problems with light penetration and possibly bud rot.

I did actually make a fuck up with the timer the other day, I think it was on for 13 hours light for a night. Maybe since there is no preflowers ,it hasn't really began flowering OR stretching yet?


Po boy

Well-Known Member
hey puff! cindy still looking sweet. i remember the cindy u were growing recently and a member suggested you harvest on flowering day 52. my question is when do u start counting, when switching light times or when u see preflowers? thx


Well-Known Member
Hey man, i wouldn't worry too much about the stretch, she'll get there. Maybe it's an indica trait from when they were shorterning flowering time so it's expressing some of those traits...

Here is some of the article from DJ Short http://www.mrnice.nl/forum/5-strain-base/4000-dj-short-photoperiod-angle-light.html

I'll keep looking for the part on where it says it may take a week longer. It only related to indica hybrids that had some sativa lineages and as more of the sativa traits are expressed it changes the total flowering time that breeders give out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that info dude. Appreciated. I'm thinking since c99 is mostly sativa with a lightning quick flower time, this regime probably isn't really suited to it as much as your bbxww.. And I also think your right about the stretch, she is starting to get there, and there's another few weeks to go

Here's my day 10 flowering pics. Found a preflower today so going to count my flowering from today. Usually go from flip, but want to see the difference in high. I'm still not sure about the smell issue. I can't decide if shes low odour or not. Generally, no, I can't smell her ,but just occasionally I detect a whiff of dank. So I really don't know if this "occasional whiff" is more than what I think it is.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for that info dude. Appreciated. I'm thinking since c99 is mostly sativa with a lightning quick flower time, this regime probably isn't really suited to it as much as your bbxww.. And I also think your right about the stretch, she is starting to get there, and there's another few weeks to go

Here's my day 10 flowering pics. Found a preflower today so going to count my flowering from today. Usually go from flip, but want to see the difference in high. I'm still not sure about the smell issue. I can't decide if shes low odour or not. Generally, no, I can't smell her ,but just occasionally I detect a whiff of dank. So I really don't know if this "occasional whiff" is more than what I think it is.

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Yeah true mate, may not like it. There has to be some indica in it from way back hey, im pretty certain there arent any sativas that have ever flowered that quickly, i was just thinking it may be a fall back from it. May explain the smell and the short stature. Will be interesting to see how tall she grows from here and if she continues to smell :) she looks bloody healthy though bro so you're doing everything right. I'll get a pic of my little c99 tomorrow for ya, she is finally starting to grow and damn she is loving the nutes!


Well-Known Member
Ok so to cut a long story short, I am not too happy with how this was turning out. For my grow situation anyway. Definitely *was* a nice little bush but I had several issues.

a) I grow in an unventilated closet. Works fine with one plant in there, but this time it hasn't worked. The extreme bushiness of the plant was creating hella moisture in there, and imo it was only a matter of when not if I would have got bud rot. So, even though I liked what topping for 4 achieved, it's not for me again, for my current setup anyway. I will grow plants as standard xmas tree from here on.

b) The bushiness again meant that many of the lower branches were getting lost in the undergrowth. would have produced nothing and were contributing to the humidity problem. Again, I don't think growing such a dense bush is suited for a 250 watt light, unless you want to scrog, which I don't.

c) the increasing smell of dank, only being made worse by the dense bush structure putting out loads of moisture.

Ok, SO, I thought fuck this, time to start again, and I ripped off the 2 lower main branches. Then, it looked a little tidier, and I had a second thought. Instead of just trashing the plant and taking a cutting, I supercropped the remaining two branches.

What I have now is essentially half the plant, but now I should in theory have half the humidity, half the smell and double the light penetration. So I am going to give it a week or so to see how it reacts to this and go from there.

Only issue is, those lower shoots which were lower down but are now at the top are VERY weak, I would need them to toughen up considerably to make this worth going on with. Actually I will see this out to the end, I will be happy with an ounce.. if that's even possible now. I think it could turn out pretty well as you can se the light penetration is great now.. what ya think?


Kite High

Well-Known Member
methinks it woulda been fine...it will shed what isnt productive...but this should be really cool to watch now...Bro I have grown 2 4 foot 4 colas plants countless time in a 22"x 42 inch closet with a 400