Female Seeds "Pure AK" closet grow


Whats up fellas, I have 2 Female Seeds "Pure AK" sprouted from seed. Currently in containers of Happy Frog under a 2ft 20w fluorescent fixture. Was worried about one due to it having a black tap root but all is fine now (blue rubber band, gonna keep an eye on it just incase). The other stretch alot so I super cropped it. As you can see, its pulling bk up nicely.

I've read alot of documented grows of "Female Seeds Co" and had to try. Havent read of any hermie issues so I wanna see for myself. Putting the seedling through alot of stress by pinching it isnt advised but lets see if females seeds are that good eh? Anyways, more to come so enjoy :joint:



Yes they're very vigorous! Unfortunately im running into an issue with the black tap root one. Keep in mind, I havent fed these 2 babies anything but ph water at 6.6... they both sprouted, potted, fed water at same amount at same time and one seems to have issues? Not definite but I assume its heat stress but how if the other is perfectly fine? Any input would be appreciated



It may be too close to your T5, so it might be heat stress!!
Not quite sure though.. :-|

Hey CDS, yeah I was thinking it was heat stress but then I stopped by the nute def section and am now thinking it might be a Mag Def. Took few pics, lmk what you think dude! Well soon cuz I seem to be having an issue uploading the pics dammit!