Feminized mix


Well-Known Member
im growing a indoor mix from bcseedking they are not femanized but i thought it would be cool to see what grows but now i dont think i would try it again its so frustrating not knowing what your growing and they grow dif and some get very tall and some stay short so lighting was a little issue now we have two we have no idea what they are lol but they look good and a few people made a guess so if you dont mind the extra work and not knowing what your growing its cool


Well-Known Member
Im with dutck, spend your money on somthing that you know what it is. Its easier that way bro. enjoy


Well-Known Member
I tried the indoor mix from sensi seeds. I could tell the plants that came from them by just lookin in the garden. They grew better then the others.

Too its cool to see what grows.


Active Member
I grew that very same mix from m-s.nl and loved it. Great mix and yield. You won't be disappointed. All female/no hermies.:mrgreen: