Feminized seeds causing this?

Ok, so i've done a couple grows from regular seed to harvest and have my room dialed in to the T, so lately I ordered some feminized seeds to get a mother off the ground. I've had the same problem twice now from two different type of strains.

As soon as my seeds crack I throw them into my bubble-bucket under my 600w and and usually it takes a day for the seed to fall off and the cotyledon comes out, but with these feminized strains the seed falls off but the leaves never grow apart, kind of like the tissue never breaks away.

Honestly I have no idea what is causing it so help would be appreciated!

It looks like part of the seed coating is still attached to the cotyldons. If you are careful you can remove it with a pair of tweezers but as said above if you give it a couple days it should be fine.
If you do happen to need to take it off in a few days assuming it hasn't naturally fallen off, lightly spray with some water first and let it soak in for a few minutes so the seed hull will not rip off the cotyledon when you pull it. I've had this happen with regular seeds too, so its definitely not a feminized seed thing.
That has happened to me alot in the past with feminized seeds. I just would moisten the area where the seed shell is still attached and with tweezers carefully remove the husk in hopes not to disturb the cotyledon. Good Luck.
You've got the correct advice. Just be careful, make it moist - take your time.

Edit: this did not happen because the seed is feminized, it happens with regular seeds too.
Well in the past I seperated my last seed with tweezers and got it looking normal, let it recover for about a month and literally the roots were the only thing to grow. I had to finally start new because it was just a waste of time as the actual plant was only an inch tall if that.
I do appreciate the help and am gonna try it with water and see what happens, I just had no idea if it was me, feminized seeds or what was going on as this as ive NEVER encountered it in the past. Thanks guys
I had this happen with a couple sprouts......I just misted them every day(twice a day) and it loosened up that film/skin