Feminized Seeds do they work??


Active Member
What are your result from feminized seeds? Do they all turn into females 100%? I have always gone from clones. I'm looking for answer from experienced growers that have started from femme seeds


Well-Known Member
yep, I have tried seven or eight different strains from different seedbanks so yea, Ive tried a few. They work just like regular seeds do except they are female. You can clone for days with them, I ran one strain 5 or 6 times. every clone was better than the last. I just got tired of the smoke.

Go for it, then take your cuttings.


Active Member
right now im growing a short rider outside from nirvana femmed......doing exactly what its adveretised to do.....i gotta say the pack of femmed seeds looked weak. as in some of the femmed seeds were blonde and almost looked under developed......i have not grown them all yet....iveheard good and and bad but never had bad experience personally....buy femmed in smalll quanties untill you are comfortable with the seller....


Well-Known Member
I will not order the regular seeds.

I only order feminized seeds.

They almost ALWAYS are females.

99.0% of the time.. and the remaining .1%

would be for the very rare occasion, where you might have one that hermie on you.. or possibly have one thats a female and male. Which would produce female flower and seeds.. from the same plant ya dig?

But yeah, feminized seeds are the way to go in my opinion.

Also, for the seedbanks.. the best one I have found.. would be the 'Attitude seed company'. There's also another one that I've used before.. called 'SpeedySeedz' seed bank. Little pricey on almost all strains.. so that's why I will always choose 'The Attitude' seed bank. They have great prices.. plus they're shipping options are great as well.

I want to mention another seed bank too.. If 'The Attitude' doesn't have a strain that I'm looking for.. to try.. then I'll check out 'Nirvana seed bank' and see if they have it.

Nirvana is also a great seed company.. alot of people say that they dislike Nirvana.. for whatever reasons.. but I personally have made a total of 2 orders in the past.. plus the most recent order and I've never had any problems with them.

So all in all.. I would rate the following seedbanks.. in ranking order.. from the best.. to the worst.

1. The Attitude Seed bank (ships to USA)
2. Nirvana Seed bank (SHIPS TO USA)
3. SpeedySeedz.com seed bank
4. WorldWide Seed company(SHIPS TO USA)

Hope this helped!

peace. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Thanks People!! A piece of minds is always great when trying something new. Ganjaluvr those are the seeds companies that I have picked too. I was going to start with Attitude Seed Bank first.


Well-Known Member
I started with nirvana regs but due to the pain it can be to get 8/10 males I then switched to Greenhouse and DNA's feminised seeds and I will never go back. They are always female and seem to have the same vigor/clonability as regs. The only issue imo is there may be a higher chance for hermies. Just check your plant thoroughly twice a week during flowering for male pollen sacks and carefully pluck them off with tweezers into a ziplock, in the rare occasion that one should hermie. I've had it happen but it was likely my fault for high temps one day when a breaker popped while I was at work. Even then it was easy to pluck em off as they tend to only throw a small amount of bananas and still focused on their female production in my case.

The advantages of fems are really endless you will start to find more and more reasons to use them. Nice to be able to buy a 5pack of mixed fems and end up with 5 fems of 5 diff strains, not wasting a single seed to a male. Buy a mix pack of 5 regs and you might not even get 1 female.

Good luck man, and yeah the attitude is a great site you get very nice freebies although you do pay a bit for shipping and the beans themselves are slightly higher than some other banks. It's still worth it for the free seeds if they are something you will grow, which usually they are good freebies. They have a special every month (its on right now - http://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/cannabis-seeds/cat_126.html you get those 3 fems free plus the regular freebies of up to 5 free fems depending on how much you spend) Ive had 2 orders through attitude with no problems, my third is in the mail atm.


Well-Known Member
Ya ive gone through about 5-6 packs of fem seeds and all were female except for MK-Ultra, some healthy male though:cuss:


Active Member
Good luck man, and yeah the attitude is a great site you get very nice freebies although you do pay a bit for shipping and the beans themselves are slightly higher than some other banks. It's still worth it for the free seeds if they are something you will grow, which usually they are good freebies. They have a special every month (its on right now - http://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/cannabis-seeds/cat_126.html you get those 3 fems free plus the regular freebies of up to 5 free fems depending on how much you spend) Ive had 2 orders through attitude with no problems, my third is in the mail atm.
I would rather spend a couple extra bucks to a place that I have heard pretty much nothing but good feedback. Extra gifts would be nice, but really I care about is getting what I paid for. Not some bait and switch bs. Have you ever order with prepaid Visa online before or only use the mail? I like the idea of the CC over the phone from a payphone because to me it seems secure and a faster way to get your order there, but I'm sure all the methods have their faults.