Feminized seeds


New Member
does anyone know the reliability of them(under perfect grwing conditions).
i just spent several weeks to find out i grew a male/hermie.i would rather spend more cash on female seeds and start over again with maybe 5 or 10 seeds that way i wont have to stress about cross contamination.

any suggestions or help would be most appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I've read the numbers 80% female, 20% hermie thrown around by people who purchased feminized seeds. Your experience may vary depending upon the seed bank you buy from. I've never personally bought or grown feminized seeds, so consider that before taking my word as fact.


New Member
hope to get some good answers.
this shoot in the dark shit with seeds/time and waiting is not worth the hassle????



Well-Known Member
yea ive got some feminized thats got me. 80-20. i'm going bak to reg .
i never once had this prob. as you can tell by my last grow pic herebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i always buy f1 hybrids. good stable strains. i get a 90% female rate. i dont think the feminized are worth the bucks. my opinion thought.
try a hybrid then pick your best one and clone her if you like. they are the most stable strains out there


Well-Known Member
Ive grew lots of fem seeds and never any hermies , They can turn hermie alot easier than reg. seeds as its already in there genitics ... I think your confused a lil over hermies and males .. Hermies (male sacks ) come in female plants late on in flowering taking on both sex . A male is just a male that will pollenate your crop turning it to seeds

In my experance fem seeds are sweet saves a lot of hassle for starting off .

Reg seeds are no worries eather except they will take up more space and half with be dumped as they will be male .

Go for fem seeds keep the best mom for cloning and keep a eye for hermies

If you go for reg seeds keep a eye for males during flowering get them out asap keep the best mom for clones and you have your cycle of sensi .

When you start from seed weather its reg. or fem seeds you will have to keep a close eye for males in the reg,s and Hermies in the females
Once you get over that you free to keep cloning with less to worry over


Well-Known Member
"Go for fem seeds keep the best mom for cloning and keep a eye for hermies "

actualy he would be better off if he wants to keep a mom and clone to use an f1 hybrid. they are the most stable plants, best duited for cloning and breeding


Well-Known Member
If it is hermies you are worried about go for a f1 hybrid like was said , This just means the genetics all gel well togeather and not to fussy and confused .

If its cheapo seeds you want nirvana keep some f1 Snowwhite, marco ,mybe more

All serious seeds are F1 hybrids except bubblegum thats f2 , Thats the best they can make it , Its always worth making your strain a f1 or f2 mybe
F1 hybrids do not give out 90% fems it will still be 50/50 male female it will just give you stable genetics


Well-Known Member
i get 90%. depends on your methods of germination.
they guarantee 50/50 thats all
i have also been working on something that seems to be accurate so far. but i need to try it more. to say if it works or not. someone else on here made a post on some pics of seeds and showed the difference to lok for. when i can give an honest opinion of my own i may share what to look for, or try and find the post in here and do it yourselves.


Well-Known Member
i gotta go with bonz , go f1 . its never a hassle with me .i dont have to worry about my plants turning queer. i usually transplant 5" by 5" pots . after two weeks flower for 10 to 14 days . separate males . put females in 2 gal. perfect pots , veg two more weeks. then flower till finished . saves on expensive soil and you can start a ot more seeds for your small space.
i've always done it that way. i was just thought i'd try fem. seeds. wat a waste of time it seems like:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
this pic here is an f1 . dutch passion, blue moonshine , so much resin on this beauty, it had an ora about it , also reg. seeds .. my 20th grow, by the way:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i live in vancouver so it helps having all these awesome breeders right here to. i can just go into the store and pick out my stuff and sometimes have a chat with the actual breeder to get tips on germination.
like the strain i am popping right now, dutch treat, i was told that the person tried to pop these at normal temps for germination and only 50/50 to pop but raied the temps and 90%. mine have been in water now almost 48 hours and a couple have popped so far.


Well-Known Member
feminized seeds in my opinion wont last long on the market too many people are tired of hermies ... all it takes is for a timer to bad on you and all of your genetics are shot because everything you have has turned hermie.
i say buy a stable cross and weed out your males and not worry about hermies.
same goes for auto flowering strains ... also from hermies ... this in my opinion iis irresponsible breeding !
breeders should cross not only for thc content / flavor / growth rate / size .. but also for their abilty to resist disease and stability... who the hell wants a seed that will definatly produce a female but risk all sorts of other issues ie: hermies

so like i said feminized and auto flower seeds are a flash in the pan and the sooner they disappear the better imho


Well-Known Member
the best way to germinate is to get jiffy mix or seed starter soil wich are the same. put them around a quarter of an inch into the soil. keep temps inthe mid 70's . discount hydro sells a tray and dome if you do not already have one. put a small dollar store thermometer in there to keep the temp right. i also run two florecent tubes for germ. 10 days . i usually geta 98%
germ. rate. transplant.i use a 600 watt sun system2 w/hortilux bulb . around 2 dry ounces per plant


Well-Known Member
i bought 10 feminised medusa seeds and all were female. no hermies and these babies got a lot of stress. i went on holiday for a week and diddnt feel comfortable leaving the lights on. even with the timer just in case, gave em a good watering last inute, turned lights off and diddnt come back for a week, when i did they were a bit wilted but with a bit of care they were back to good health. got just under an ounce from each plant, 4 in total. i wouldnt recomment this however. i'd say i had a lot of luck.


Well-Known Member
i get 90%. depends on your methods of germination.
they guarantee 50/50 thats all
i have also been working on something that seems to be accurate so far. but i need to try it more. to say if it works or not. someone else on here made a post on some pics of seeds and showed the difference to lok for. when i can give an honest opinion of my own i may share what to look for, or try and find the post in here and do it yourselves.
Id like to know this could you tell me how you do this please ?.. 90% Fem with regular seeds is very good thats like 1 male in every 10 planted .. Most times id have like 60/40 female/male . and thats fair , id go with fem,s for less hassle . If this is true id have no need any more and save £ at the same time Ive heard all the usual high humid.s Low stress ect and a few other dodgy ways from friends ect , </p> Id keep humidity levels high and stress low in veggin mode any ways


Well-Known Member
i am doing this with different strains to see what they like. each strain is different. like my current dutch treat, he said raise the temps a bit more than normal to help pop them, well i did and i am only waiting on 2 seeds to pop. so far so good.
when i am ready to share my findings and be able to back it up i will. i am working in a few different things


Well-Known Member
The 2 plate and tissue method give me 100% germanation, i learnt from Faq a few years back .What I mean is how do you get 90% females from regular seeds or did you mean germanation 90%?


Well-Known Member
i wouldn`t recomend the paper towel method. i just put them in a glass of tap water,( my tap ater is perfect ph) usualy in the cupboard ( dark ) but this time i put the galss on my hot water tank. keeps it a littl ebit warmer. about 5 or so degrees.
when you use the paper way you stand a chance of tearing the microscopic tiny roots that do form, this causes a small amount of shock right fron the get go.