Fertilizer spikes


Well-Known Member
Sup all does a Fertilizer spikes with 13-4-5 value good enough for first few weeks of veg. stage?


Well-Known Member
Nope do not use them they will end up burning your plants
Look into fox farms nutrients, they are good to start with

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Fish Emulsion, Molasses, Seaweed, Epson Salt, Green Sand, Alfalfa, Whole Ground Corn Meal, Bloodmeal will do well. Chem Ferts weakens the cell structure, locks up the nutes, kills the microbial life, destroys the Plant's natural Immunity System, which invites disease & pest, like Spider Mites.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Hit the Dirt Doctor's web site, click Library, then the 3 post on Synthetic Fertilizers, to back my statement.