

Active Member
how good will tomato fertilizer work? i heard itd work but iono how good. if not yall need 2 throw me some better suggestions folk.


Active Member
how good will tomato fertilizer work? i heard itd work but iono how good. if not yall need 2 throw me some better suggestions folk.
Yeah tomato fertilizer works allright only if it is high in Nitrogen for growing plants, Phospherous for flowering an Potassium for buding, for the first coupla months of the plants life when it is growing i prefer to use a natural fertilizer an dilute that down meself, if you can get it put 5 cups of chook shit in 20 litre bucket and leave soak for fortnight stirring everyday, the smell gets really potent afta a while but its all the nutrients doin there thing in the water then spread round your plants. If you only got seedling i'd only suggest bout 600ml of diluted chook shit once a week. if you cant get fresh chook shit most chook farms sell dried shit in big 40kilo bag i pay $16 for bag dried shit aswell as use me own fresh chook shit, for dried shit mix it the same. you can neva have enough chook shit works well in vegetable gardens an rose bushes aswell, if you cant get chook shit sheep shit works just aswell, works out hell of a lot cheaper then buying fertilize all the time to. You neva said anything but i take it your plants are in soil????


Well-Known Member
I used Miracle Gro for Tomatoes for many crops in veg cycle.
I got the idea from a book about growing by either cervantes or rosenthal/frank....can't remember, too long ago, around '84 or so?
In any event, IMO, the MG Tomato works very well....(I always add lots of dolomite lime to my soil.) In using these ferts....Remember, less is more!!!...use small doses...and watch plant carefully as you increase strength of blend.
I use Jack's Classic All Purpose for my vegging now,

Jack's Classic All Purpose Plant Food for indoor and outdoor plants, trees, shrubs, vegetables, and turf from J.R. Peters, Inc., Fertilizer Manufacturer


New Member
Jack's Classic is excellent, as Wavels says.

Vegging: Peter's "Jack's Classic" 20-20-20.

Flowering: Peter's "Jack's Classic Blossom Booster 10-30-20.



Well-Known Member
how much of the classic did you mix per gallon of water ? ffastsam

i followed Vi and Wavels' advice last year and will be doing so again!

the buckets have a little scoop inside, just use 1/4 the label directions per gallon. :joint:
