fertilizing issues


Well-Known Member
please helpppppppppppppp i dont get it ...when do you start fertilizing seedlings im growing in 3 gallon pots using fox and miracle grow..the point is do you count the 2 weeks that i had in styrofoam cups when they were catching roots..that means its been 2 weeks in styrofoam cup and about 2 weeks in the 3 gal ..when should i start fertilizing some books say 1 month after some say dont fertilize at all untill 1 month but do they mean 1 month in 3 gal pot or 1 month from first leaves showed..........also im growing in a secret jardin tent in a shed so its pretty much kinda of an outdoor grow...how many times should i water....im in the dirty south of florida..is once every other day good cause its hot down here,,,,,,,,strains are as follows all are outdoor strains cause they good 4 warm climates .....sweet bud ,belladonna, afghan
1 month from sprouting the first set of leaves but if youre using mg soil you have already begun to fertilize due to the soil
i used a mix of mg soil and regular soil i started nuteing after 3 weeks (from seedling )most ppl say start b/w 3-4 weeks. just start of with small amounts use like a 1/4 of what your supposed to then slowly increase :) just remember you can always add more but cant take any out and once its in there if too much can cuz serious burn! GL and be carefull!
as far as the watering.. it gets warm in my basement where im growing i end up watering every other day.. you should be able to tell after a while when it looks like it needs to be watered. stick your finger an inch in if moist your still ok if dry needs water. just get a feel for your plants is the best thing i can say or buy a water gauge from walmart. oh and its also good to let them dry out a lil b/w waterings so air can get in the soil. when you water just make sure a lil comes out the bottom
thanks for the help babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy im gonna start fert 1/4 lets hope those these babies thrive in this african freakin climate...also baught some silicate it says it goos for plants that are in extreme climates