Few leaves yellowing


Active Member
I was hoping for some feedback on my pic of a leaf on my big blue cheese plant. This plant has like 4 leaves that look like one in pic. All are in interior of plant about half way down. The whole plant is lighter green than all my other plants. I did get some nitrogen toxicity three weeks ago. Could this be damage from that?



Active Member
Here is better pic of plant. Top leaves are curled a little this morning but grow was 73 degrees and plant is closest to portable AC. Think I will reposition it to warmer area and see what happens. Any new opinions?



Active Member
Also forgot to mention. For some reason at 14-15 hour mark of light, my Big Blue Cheese plants (2), start drooping some. Read it would be a fatigue because they are ready for dark period. Is that a possibility?


Well-Known Member
i believe it is a slight mg deficiency. if it was nitrogen deficient, it would work its way from bottom up, not top down. I would resume your schedule if you recently corrected a n toxicity, sometimes it takes a few days to a week to see improvements. if new growth looks green and healthy and the deficiency isn't getting worse your probably in the clear


Well-Known Member
I dont think your leaves are curling due to 'fatigue' otherwise anyone vegging under 24hrs would have issues. IME the curl your seeing isn't terrible, and its not that nast eagle claw. If they start getting worse and form 'rams horns' you have an issue


Well-Known Member
The exact same happened to 2 of the cheese I've got going the now some cal/mag usually does the trick mine r ready for the chop (already chopped 2 of them) but the outher 2 ready for the chop look like they need a bit more mg so gave some epsom salts cause it looked more like mg deff but no improvement so it must b an n deff but it's a bit late for me to b adding more n so I'll c how they go and let u no


Active Member
The exact same happened to 2 of the cheese I've got going the now some cal/mag usually does the trick mine r ready for the chop (already chopped 2 of them) but the outher 2 ready for the chop look like they need a bit more mg so gave some epsom salts cause it looked more like mg deff but no improvement so it must b an n deff but it's a bit late for me to b adding more n so I'll c how they go and let u no
That kind of stinks. It's nice when you can fix a problem, so we can learn what works and what doesn't. I really messed up a NL/ Skunk hybrid last grow, and she was half the size of the other plants but she created 2 really nice oz. of nice medium to small buds. She was damaged for a long time, but at least I learned what was wrong. Hope all goes well. Enjoy harvest!