Few questions about budder, and what i can use to make it


I currently have a 12/12 from seed indica at around 3 weeks from sprout and not showing sex yet, i was told nows typically the time i will see sex, either way male or female, i want to make brownies out of the stems and leaves left over after harvest, if it turns out to be male, should i wait until it has pollen sacs all over it? Do the "balls" have any more potency than the stems or leaves would to make the budder with? And when i chop my plant how long should i let the remains dry? And does it start to smell when i mix in the plant remains when i go to make the budder? Thanks


Active Member
Don't use the males. Don't use the stems or stalks. The females have the resin.
Cure the trimmings the same as the buds. Dry and free of the 'hay' smell.
Yes...making budder stinks. Almost to the point of nausea, IMO.
It takes along time to cook the water out of the butter, at least in my experience.
I cooked mine down twice to de-water it.
If I ever do it again, it'll be in the middle of the night, rather than when the neighbors are up and about.