FF nutes and micorrizia

Hi there fellow gardeners..hope all is well!! So I use the FF trio and also have Bushdoctor Microbe Brew, Great White and Flower Fuel granular ferts. I'm worried that the Grow Big and Tiger Bloom will kill off the micorrizia and good bacteria in my soil. Would this be accurate or...any thoughts? Thanks alot
High levels of synthetics will affect the microbes, true but if using synthetics you don't need a heavy population anyway.

They are literally impossible to kill off without killing your plant at the same time, so I wouldn't worry about them too much, a pure water only grow then yeah you need a healthy population.
Thanks, now that makes sense to me. After all Big Bloom is recommended by FF along with both the Grow and Tiger Bloom and it didn't make sense to me that one would be negating the others. I like to go mostly organic for the microbes but do tend to add a little synthetics as a boost and it seems to work well for me.