FF Soil Mix Question

I am planning out my second grow right now, that way I don't mess anything up. My first grow I used MG soil w/ time released ferts, so never again. I just got some Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil but I have heard that it is too strong for seedlings. I got some King's Kush seeds to plant also. I was thinking of mixing 3/4 Ocean Forest and 1/4 Perlite? Any suggestions? +rep for a good answer
Yeah I once too used miracle gro with the time realease stuff untill my plants almost died and i moved them into Fox Farms Ocean Forest then they began to flourish. As for you question, that sounds like a good mix. Ocean Forest already has perlite in it but adding more can't hurt especially if youre worried about your seedlings. The thing is, don't add any nutes to your plant for a good 3-4 weeks--no earlier! If you do that, you should be good.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
A lot of people say the FFOF soil will burn seedlings but i've not seen it in my experience. It's what I use to start them in. YMMV though. Not saying it can't. It might.

What i add to the ff soil is 20-25% perlite (better drainage) and one tablespoon of DOLOMITIC lime per gallon of soil (ph buffer).

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Well-Known Member
I have used fox farms ocean forest for my last two grows, this one I added some happy frog and instead of perlite which I feel fox farms has enough, I added some hydroton right into the soil mix. I have never experienced any burn at all. My plants are just over four weeks old and growing like wildfire. No burns of any sort.


Active Member
I just bought FF light warrior for my seedlings, its really light and helps the roots develop. From what the guy at my local hydro shop was saying the Ocean Forest has 3 weeks of nutes built in. That's why he said start with the light warrior until they are about 6", then transplant to the nute rich Ocean Forest. Just what I have heard. Good luck with your grow:bigjoint: