FFOF Feeding Advice...Please


Active Member
I just transplanted my plants from 1-gallon pots (100% FFOF) into 5-gallon pots (85% FFOF, 15% perlite). These plants are 6-inches tall (short, bushy Indicas - Northern Lights and AK-48, and I have been feeding them with FoxFarm nutes according to the FoxFarm week 2 veg feeding schedule.

I've read that FFOC contains enough nutes for 3 weeks (for seedlings only?). So should I just use plain water for a while? Or should I progress to the week 3 nute mix and feeding schedule?


Active Member
In my experience I have noticed that ffof tends to be a little hot. I myself wait until the plants look hungry. In your case it might only last two weeks. During i feed with molasses for the micro herd wich helps with nutrient uptake. Good luck op


Active Member
In my experience I have noticed that ffof tends to be a little hot. I myself wait until the plants look hungry. In your case it might only last two weeks. During i feed with molasses for the micro herd wich helps with nutrient uptake. Good luck op
What is your molasses mix (ratio to water)?


Well-Known Member
One tsp of molasses per gallon is what I do, of a little more don't hurt.
Go light on nutes till you see whats happens, you can always add more nutes next time...rw

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
Hey man, I used to use fox farm, great stuff. I used sunshine 4 (no nutes, inert) and used the same solution to water always. I let enough to fill the trays the pots were in pass through, and then discarded it. This worked very well and I never had any issues. Some may find this wasteful, but compared to the gains made by having healthy happy plants with one less stressful factor (nutrient fluctuation), the costs of lost nutes arn't very significant. And a dab'll do ya with this stuff, folks are damn right that it's hot! Using this pseudo-hydroponic method allows you to start real low, and gradually work your way up until you notice some burning tips. Then flush and use a bit less than the amount that burnt it. Work this method into ffof's schedual, and you can enjoy yields that rival chemical fert hydro gardens :) In short, mix you're week 3 up really weak, and let it drain through a bit! No sweat, great results!