
So in my earlier posts i explained how my grandfather was one of the highest ranking members of the figgurelli crime family,well he told me that its about time that i get initiated into the family.He told me there was going to be a meeting at the headquarters.So its finally time to get down with the crime family,i get to the clubhouse and they tell me to come inside.I walk inside and my grandfather and the other high ranking members are sitting around a table.I sit down and we start talking business,when out of nowhere,my gay friend that chased me naked around my neighborhood busts in through the door and screams ''I WANT INTO THE FAMILY AS WELL" My grandfather stands up and says "give me one reason i shouldn't kill you right here and now for what you did to my grandson" my gay friend replies "im sorry for chasing him around naked,its just i was really horny and didnt know how to control myself" my grandfather then says he can get into the family,but only if he robs a pound of weed from a drug warehouse from a rival gang,a group of black people that call themselves the Niggurellis.My friend agrees,and they tell me i have to go help him as part of my initiation.

So we arrive at the warehouse and burst through the backdoor,and they start shooting.Immediately we duck and hide behind a metal desk.I pull out my pistol and my gay friend draws his sawed off shotgun.We both start shooting at the niggurellis and they start taking cover as well.We grab the weed and start to run and almost get to the backdoor with the pound of weed when five naked niggurellis jump out of nowhere and start raping my friend.I mean i know hes gay,but even he couldnt have handled all that ass pounding from those big niggurelli dicks.I tried to shoot them but my gun was jammed.I had to run away and leave my friend.He died from internal bleeding and choking that night.

I arrive back at the figgurelli headquarters and hand the DON the pound of the weed.He opens the bag and rolls a blunt.He lights the blunt and congratulates me for getting it for him.He asks me what happened to my gay friend.I explain he got raped by the niggurellis and he died.The don said dont worry his death wont be in vain there will be revenge. TO BE CONTINUED


I'm beginning to enjoy these. Keep up the good work. If you need advice I can help-

Here's your first lesson, it's more of an overview, but you hit on a few of these necessities already...

a good T&T story always must involve one or more of the following:
-substance abuse
-slightly racist overtones
-high speed chases
-strange sexual situations like inbreeding

Keep it up, I get chuckles out of these.
You ended with "TO BE CONTINUED." Please don't. Really... just don't. This isn't just bullshit, it's someone fucking around, which is ok, I guess. I'm just not enjoying it. Maybe if you were a better story teller it would be fun. But as it is, too lame to bother with any longer.
I'm beginning to enjoy these. Keep up the good work. If you need advice I can help-

Here's your first lesson, it's more of an overview, but you hit on a few of these necessities already...

a good T&T story always must involve one or more of the following:
-substance abuse
-slightly racist overtones
-high speed chases
-strange sexual situations like inbreeding

Keep it up, I get chuckles out of these.
Op don't listen to this guy his blow jobs are terrible and his threads are even worse.
Ahhhh....La Vendetta. OK OP, this is your make or break moment. Write a few drafts, edit, edit, edit, do not rush it. Read some Puzo, esp "The Sicilian" and "The Last Don" for accurate flavor. We are expecting Hunter S Thompson goes The Godfather including Bushy's story elements

Edit: you might do a brief back story on the Niggurelli's origins, from a mountainous region in Southern Sicily, descended from a lost troop of Moorish invaders in the 7th century. I'm done writing this for you
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