I think I love you, just so you know. This is how I show it. But dude you text me all the fucking time. I don't need to see your cock six times a day. You know I'll be all over that shit later. Sluuuuuuurrrrrppppp
Ahhhh....La Vendetta. OK OP, this is your make or break moment. Write a few drafts, edit, edit, edit, do not rush it. Read some Puzo, esp "The Sicilian" and "The Last Don" for accurate flavor. We are expecting Hunter S Thompson goes The Godfather including Bushy's story elements
Edit: you might do a brief back story on the Niggurelli's origins, from a mountainous region in Southern Sicily, descended from a lost troop of Moorish invaders in the 7th century. I'm done writing this for you