

Well-Known Member
My buddies dad is absolutely crazy about figs. He has about 200 clippings growing in his backyard (started a figs r us business). I asked him for one and he was down for it (giving me pick of the crop for free) prb going to take an italian or spanish fig clone as he says are the tastiest. He says they are pretty hardy just req alot of light. Dont know if i should put it in the ground or pot it bc he said something about how u cant bring them inside in the winter, thy actually need the cold to cycle thru life. Any info on fig growing would be great as im bit of a newb


Well-Known Member
i have a fig plant in my yard, the fucking thing is indestructable. I live in the middle of the desert, its super hot and dry. I never water this thing and its still somehow grows. It has snowed on it before and it was fine, but i dont get winters like new york does. I have dumped a bunch of garbage and paint and concrete washout on it when i remodeled my house and it didint phase it. let me see if i can post a pic of this thing. Im thinking if you show that fig plant any love at all it will turn out good. I've never eaten any figs off it, so im not sure if they are good. I only like figs in newton formPhoto036.jpg.Photo037.jpg


put it in the ground, full sun.... you may have to cover it sometimes in winter while its still young, depending on where you're at, but they are really hardy plants.


Active Member
I've got two, an 8' and a 2', and like stated above, they're tough. I live in the south and they do great in extreme heat, and are really low maintenance. A fig right off the tree is incredible-- I just wish the dam deer didn't feel the same way.
The figs is a large, deciduous shrubsor small tree native to southwest Asia region . It grows to a height of 6.9–10 metres tall, with smooth grey bark.With a green skin, sometimes ripening towards purple or brown. The sap of the fig's green parts is an irritant to human skin.[1]