Figure I should start here


First off, Thanks for all the help with my first grow. I've read the shit out of the awesome info here (as well as other sources) and I can't stress how helpful it has been. Many thumbs up.

So my issue isn't really anything technical. It is more logistical. Kind of a riddle....

I'll just run through my set-up, etc and lay-out my problem at the end.

Started with bag seed (I know I know), 6 total from two different sources (some grapefruit kush or something, not sure of the second) 5 of six germinated (as planned) and the 5 continue to grow very healthy. I started with 4-4' florescent, mix of super daylight and regular daylight (or something along those lines). Then supplemented those after about a month with 4 32(?)W daylight cfls from the hydro store until I could get a better light in there. About 2 weeks later and 3 weeks ago, I put in the 400W HPS and have seen some great growth. I am now at an impasse. All five plants need to be transplanted to larger pots asap. BUT. I cannot fit all five plants with the larger pots in my closet. I should note that future grows will only be 2-3 plants, I did 5 this first one to account for possible males. I really only planned to flower 3max this time anyway.

So, I don't mind transplanting all five but what do i do with two of them for about two weeks? (1 week to get settled into new pots + 1 week to flower to show sex). I also want to take clones of the females for my next grow (I have a clone box with the old floros).

If they all turn out to be female, I will probably keep 1 as a mother, flower 3 and toss 1.

I feel like I am crossing a river with three things that can't be left alone.


Active Member
just keep vegging the ones you dont want to flower or dont have room for, keep em fed and theyll be fine, what makes you think transplant is an absolute must?


The soil is starting to pull from the sides of the pot, roots are sticking (slightly) from bottom. Would it stress them too much to move them outside the box and using the old cfls, put 24hr light on them? They are under 18/6 now but if I were to take them out I wouldn't have another place that could provide total darkness.


Well-Known Member
They should be fine in your clone room under 24/0 that's how me and a lot of others veg anyway. Imo your problem ain't much of a problem at all. Easy fix and you'll have some bud to start flowering as soon as you harvest. Good luck hope they are all girls.


So, go figure, not two days after posting this one of them started to show it's sex. A day later and two others did also. A trio of ladies :-). Don't know, don't care what the last two are. Off to the compost pile. I'm fairly certain they were both males anyway as they weren't as full and grew thinner/taller than the others.

Now that I'm down to three it is a lot easier. Just going to leave them for a few days under all that extra light and after the weekend, pick the best two to replant/flower.

Thanks for the input