Final Week of Flowering...With a Quick PH Question...


Well-Known Member
I am in my last week of flushing, and was wondering this:

I am a hydro grower, ebb and flow and was wondering if its better to have a lower PH (like 5.6-6.0) or higher (like 6.0-6.4).

Do any of you have a preference? I usually keep my PH at 5.8 all thru out the grow and flush, but was wondering this too.

Does Veggin like Higher PH or Lower Ph?
Does flowering like HIgher PH or lower?

But. my main Question was while flushing, what is a good PH?

If you can, tell me yours, and also choose from the references I gave you that I use:

High (6.0-6.6)
Low (5.6-6.0)

Thanks guys. No hater posts please, like: you did this wrong, or dude thats a dumb questions, just grow dumbass. Thanks again to all the cool RIUers who actually conribute and help.


Well-Known Member
i tend to see the higher ppm res' float upwards a bit more in the end. and i have to ph down em more. at the beginning i usually am adding up to keep em right around 6-6.2 as this is in the middle of my desired range of 5.8 to 6.5.
edit: while flushing i use basic freshwater for 6-10 hrs ph'd to 6 or close


Well-Known Member
during my whole grow i like to allow my rez to swing, i start it at 5.5 then let it swing to 6.0 - 6.2 the whole grow, its good to allow some swing due to the fact that at different PH's the plants absorb certain nutes better. Here is a chart to show what i mean.