Finally Got Pics


Active Member
So my ladies seem to be recovering, no visible burn on the new growth coming in and this has been my third day straight watering when I usually do it every other day. Question is what do you guys think it is? just nute burn or what?




Well-Known Member
yea looks like a nute burn because thats what mine is,
Flushing with plenty of water and allow it to drain! it helped slow down the burning, here is some proof:

2 days ago:

This morning:



Well-Known Member
just trim the yellow off with a small scissor or something, or the whole leaf off? im just leaving it for now, its starting the grow fast now, thats good because im force flowering a week from now and im excited!


Well-Known Member
lets hope it stays the way it is, no more brown spreading!

im one week away from force flowering anyone have any advice if i should take the plant in 7pm to 7 am, or take the plant inside at 5:30 6ish pm and put it back outside when its dark since the sun rises around that time and it will be 12/12????
