Finally, lol, some nice literature for MJ growing, A MAG!

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
:fire:LOl, "Organic Gardening". I am serious. It does not have any mj specific articles or look to be geared, dont get me wrong. But wow, for organic gardening this thing is action packed. I am serious. I have Rodale's and have seen High Times and have read some mj books, but this thing has it all. No fluff either.

Have you ever heard of trench planting? Shit, this is where you dig a trench then lay your seedling sideways. You cut off the bottom leaves then bend the upper most part above the soil. Cover the part without leaves with dirt then wait for the uncovered part ot grow toward the light. That will give you another 6 inchs or so, even more, of root space. I shit you not, cool. Tomatoe trick. Lots of other tricks and DIY crap.

I expected a lotta boring shit but it is cool.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of interesting magazines/zines out there these days. I like to find cool mags like that! I just got one in the mail the other day for free when I bought my new carbon filter, called "Urban Garden". It is basically a lot of hydro stuff, but its all indoor organic growing. I'm not into hydro, but the other articles are cool. Also one that we get out of the library every month is called "Mother Earth News". Love the magazine. It is all about sustainable living/permaculture & organic gardening. It's a real self-sustainable living magazine.... But that begs to question, isn't printing a magazine on paper unsustainable? haha something to ponder.

I question the same thing about AdBusters magazine. It is an anti-consumer/anti-capitalist magazine... but don't you have to PAY for the magazine?

But dirtclean, that sounds like a cool mag, where'd you find it?

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I was looking around on line for organic know how. I found this an they offerd a trial subscription of like huge savings when you cruised some sight. IDK, but some killer deal I could not beleive. I just found it again They got lots of info on probs one might have.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from the library, and they have Organic Gardening! haha, I checked it out. Pretty interesting stuff. You should check out Mother Earth News. They just had a "controversial" editoral in last months issue about population-control and how it is a serious issue. A lot of people wrote in to this months issue and said that they were ending their subscription because of it!

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
man, reading all this gardening I feel like I have been set free from the nute companys and their charts. I cant wait a few months down the line when I can compare maybe a pure blend pro grow to a bmo tea grow. Maybe a bag of fox famrs to my diy and see how much diference there can be. Give me something to shoot for.

I like sustainabilty. It is the logical method to approach something i think. That is just me, lets hope it is worth it. Well, it sure gives me something to do. After all, that is the point of all endaevors, further action, progress. Lol, I ramble.

Just turned my kitchen compost and saved the scraps for my worm farm. I have discoverd coco and love it. It gives some more airy quality to my soil.