finally....what do i expect though.???


Ok so 2.5 weeks into veg with my 1 plant (black Russian strain) and I finally have 11200 lumens after only having 9600 with the cfl bulbs....ill try to attach a pic later but any knowledge as what to expect???...pleaded not ideas or what u think but what you actually know...any good advice is appreciated....thanks stay green yall


Active Member
well if your plant has a few sets of leaves and a good root system and the right size pot you should be able to watch your plant just really take off with the extra lights as long as all your other bases are covered temp and humidity. With no pictures its the only answer you should really be getting except you get your question answered with more questions what medium you using hows your air movement and cirrculation


here are a few pics the first one i took around monday.....these last two i took just you see growing like crazy.....there are alot more roots than the pic got....the pic shows about 25 percent of the roots maybe 35%...IMAG0260.jpgIMAG0268.jpgIMAG0269.jpg


i feel the humidity deff around 80 or higher when i walk in the closet....and temp is around 75-85 with and air circulation is good due to closet being right next to window...


Well-Known Member
you will want to keep them short unless you plan on more light , remember initial lumen output is only available at 1 sq ft away from your light or reflector


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with the leaves?
forgive me but my eyes arent that great so i can't decide if the missing leaf tip was brown yellow or white but i'm thinking it was kinda yellow almost white ? what is your ph and what nutes are you using?


maybe he has bugs? or maybe he cut them off to hide the burns lol prolly ph prob like u said.
and nope cut off certain leaves to allow lights to reach bottom leaves since cfl bulbs can only penertrate so much....guessing you use mh or hps since you didnt know that...