Finding Bud Rot in my Sour Diesel's!

Schwag Bag

Active Member
Ok so I have 6 sour diesel plants that still have about two weeks left to mature(Outdoor Greenhouse). They are all about 6 feet tall and looking/smelling like they will be heaven! However, I accidentally PH burned them, they have all been MUCH more temperamental with getting burned that my others(Trainwreck, Mazar, Headband and Bubba Kush. 1 Each)

So a lot of leaves died and pretty much all of the popcorn buds were fried brown. Now, I did a couple foliar feedings and didnt clear off the buds until the last 4 days after the mold had started attacking my bubba. I am finding little rot spots under the burnt popcorn buds tops that are burned and underneath a few of the nugs. Also, some buds are randomly just dying and bending down???

I really need to give these babies like 2 more weeks, the buds haven't matured nearly enough, still a lot of leaves! So what can I do? I have two fans on oscillate, I have cleaned off A LOT of dead leaves, and have pulled every mold spot and a lot of the popcorn buds off. I just need to keep them thriving as much as possible for two or so more weeks until I pull them. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Cut all the buds that are molding off your plant, they will simply spread and eventually turn to mush no matter what you do they can not be saved and the mold will only spread to the rest of your plants.


Well-Known Member
even if the ones that are molded made it two more weeks the buds wont be smokable and it would be irresponsible to sell them it is dangerous to inhale mold spores, anyways they will turn into a mush and wont even dry properly.

Think about it this way your bud is being eating by billions of tiny spores that are also having sex at the same time and spreading as fast as they can.

Schwag Bag

Active Member
ok well I would like to ask you this then, does mold rub off when you touch it? Cause this stuff that is affecting my plant doesnt rub off and isn't white or anything. Its kind of just like the bud turns gray. Another poster said it could be a fungus? Shit its like I dont even remember which ones had the little pieces of drankness on them. aaahhh I am screwed haha


Well-Known Member
yes, yo never want to foliar feed your plants when they are flowering if you must use a extremely powerful fan to keep them from molding.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about this, I had the same problem this grow. Like Jim said cut your loss. I didnt see my mold untill i was doing the final trim. I had to throw away almost 4 ounces. It was all the biggest fattest buds! I was pissed! Nothing Ya can do about it now. I need to get some more fans. Some strains are better than others.

As tempting as it is dont dont smoke it!

Schwag Bag

Active Member
But how do I know if it is mold or not? I mean it doesn't flake off, it doesn't look like anything is "growing" on the plant, it doesn't smell bad. It just looks weird? Like it doesnt really fit all of the symptoms of mold


Well-Known Member
if you really want to know go to radio shack and get a hand held microscope for 10 bucks also good for identifying the stage your Trics are in. Anyways look at the so called mold look closely. Then get on Google go to Google images and Google mold spores under microscope and compare.

Schwag Bag

Active Member
Well I am not 100% sure on what I see and what mold looks like, but I can tell you this. I pulled my bubba plant because it started to turn a slight grayish color. It had no bad smell and nothing flaking off or drying out or anything. So I pulled the affected parts off, hung it to dry and it has smelled and tasted soooo good for the last 5 days. Just clipped more and jarred them tonight, sucks to say they are airy and not that dense :( But ya it's weird, its like it didn't spread and doesn't look totally weird only a little weird. I don't see any webbing or weird growth on top of the leaves, its like the leaves themselves turned a little grayish.


Well-Known Member
Here you go I found some pics of mold buds. Dont fuck around with moldy buds sounds like the shit can kill you.

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What You Should Know About Moldy Marijuana

by Weedguru Higher » Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:32 am
What You Should Know About Moldy Marijuana
Unknown Author

It was recently reveled that police investigating Michael Jackson’s death had mistaken moldy marijuana for “tar heroin” following the pop stars death. While the moldy weed played no part in the investigation or Jackson’s death, it does bring up an often overlooked problem that faces almost every marijuana user, grower or distributor: Mold.

Anyone who has smoked marijuana more than a couple times has most likely inhaled mold spores from marijuana. That may sound alarming, however its important to remember that you are likely to inhale the same or similar mold spores while taking a walk in the park. The most common type of mold, Aspergillus, occurs naturally in almost everything in nature.

Most mold spores will have little effect on people with normal immune systems. If the mold is bad enough to cause problems, effects are usually respiratory breathing problems and flu like symptoms such as coughing, diarrhea and vomiting but can be more severe in people with other health conditions and/or a poor immune systems.

Causes of Mold on Marijuana

Mold issues in marijuana are almost always due to moisture lock. If marijuana is packaged or cured in air-tight containers while there is still a lot of moisture in the buds, it creates a perfect environment for mold to thrive in. While most growers and distributors take extra precautions in preventing mold, some will actually add moisture to properly dried marijuana in order to artificially increases the weight to increase profits.

In researching this article, I found some people will even bury their stash in hopes of encouraging a certain type of mold that is said to increase the potency of marijuana. This trend is highly discouraged due to the fact that it’s almost impossible to isolate that specific mold strain from other mold strains that will degrade and destroy the THC (active ingredient) in marijuana.

Identifying mold on marijuana

You can identify mold by looking closely for black spots, dark green spots, white/grayish stringy matter or other unusual coloring. The mold will also noticeably effect the smell of the marijuana, turning it a more musty and unpleasant smell. Mold spores sometimes resemble the crystal looking trichomes that naturally occur on marijuana which can cause some novice users to mistake signs of mold for characteristics of higher grade marijuana. The best way to identify mold on marijuana is to view it under a black light. Mold spores will appear a distinctive green hue when put under a black light.

Preventing / Treating mold on marijuana

Mold needs at least 15% moisture to survive, so the best way to prevent mold is to keep all harvested marijuana in the ideal 10%-15% moisture content level. Growers should always allow enough time for freshly cut plants to dry in a dark ventilated area. Marijuana being cured in jars should be opened every 12 to 24 hours to allow proper air flow. Always be careful when attempting to re-hydrate over-dried buds by adding orange peels or water because it’s very easy to add too much moisture and fruit peels are an easy breeding ground for mold.

It’s always advisable to not smoke marijuana with mold, however those that are willing to take the risk are advised to bake their marijuana in a oven on 300 degrees for 15 minutes to eliminate some common forms of mold. While on the subject of baking marijuana, it is important to note that most mold is far more dangerous when ingested than inhaled, which means you should be extra careful of mold when putting marijuana into edible treats. Filtering smoke through a water pipe or bong does not prevent you from inhaling mold, although some sources say it can help reduce about 15% of the mold.

Although the exact moisture content is impossible to tell, by learning what to look for, consumers can prevent purchasing moldy marijuana and determine whether questionable buds should be smoked or thrown out. As marijuana becomes a more accepted form of medicine for seriously ill patients, mold education becomes even more important for care givers and government regulators to insure patients are protected due to them being more susceptible to the effects of mold than average recreational users.

Schwag Bag

Active Member
Ya mine definitely didn't look like that. Im not talking about mold that occurs during drying, this was on a living plant. The leaves just turned hue of grayand started dying off. There was and still isn't any webbish white lookin growth like that... So I don't know what to do.


Active Member
could be boytritus thats a mould that attacks the main/densest colas from the indside, good tip is to remove any dying leaves of the buds

boytritus looks like grey fluffy stuff in the middle of the bud so you got to keep a eye on it

when I do get it I just cut the main cola at least 1" away from the bud infected.....I have been able to to save a few little nugs from some of cola I had to chop but i made sure there was no mould on it.

I hope this helps

Schwag Bag

Active Member
hhmmm that does sound like it could be it... Does this mean that all of those plants will be useless if they have some on it?


Active Member
Definitely seeein' mold bro, how many buds
got mold on them? What you Humidity, and what PH are you using for watering.