Finding people to grow with


Active Member
Is there a for growers? I'm trying to find a room mate who's also a grower in So Cal but don't have a clue where to look.



Active Member
It would be tough to find someone trustworthy and youll both be fighting over who gets what because of how much more work somebody did/didnt do ect.

Would be cool to have a roommate with his/her own grow room so its a bit of a competition.


Well-Known Member
Try to stay away from partners unless you make a contract of what happens when one moves, gets pissed, etc.....


Active Member
Got to go solo man. You never know how much you can hate someone until you have to live with them. Visualize with me. You and your room mate get into a little spat about that lazy fucker cleaning up his shit. Then you go to work. when you come home that little bastard took your crop and split. You will be thinking back to this post going man I should have listened to crackerboy. Now I can't even hit the bong cause that little fag took it!!! LOL


Active Member
I would say unless your fellow grower is a lifelong friend keep them out of it it seems liek a grand idea but as soon at the weight starts coming in that greed monster will be a serious problem. When I lived in another state I tried a partnership on some outdoor stuff but after he didnt help for shit I made a deal to where I would handle the growing drying and curing. Then all he would have to do is find people to buy giving him a % cut of any buyers he could find we both came out of that happy.

When your partnering in a grow and your partner isnt nearly as deticated it gives you a serious case of the nerves aswell lol


Active Member
nahhh fuck partners... if your gonna live with this person then you will end up being friends and didn't you ever hear the saying "don't do business with friends or family"?


Active Member
Legit or not motherfuckers steal. Period. I have about 3 friends I would trust like that and that's it, and that's how I like it.

The hermit farmer.