The plants looked 'good' until I took them out, 'cleaned them up a little'( took off a few lower leaves..stuff that will take energy away from upper part) and then gave them about 2-3 quarts water each. It has been a couple of days, and they were ready for it. The temps are 81-82F with RH 40-44 This is not heat or light burn...this happened within 5 minutes after I watered them. Only watered the soil as always. Use the water that I get from my 30 pint dehumidifier in the basement to water always.
What are a few things this could be? Like I said, they were fine before I watered them. this is one plant, but this is pretty much how most look.
What are a few things this could be? Like I said, they were fine before I watered them. this is one plant, but this is pretty much how most look.