Finger hash !!


Active Member
ok guys i want to make some hash this coming harvest i hear your suppose to manicure your pants over a silk screen then save your trimmings what do i do if i dont have a silk screen how can i make one or is there some better for me to use
then what do i do with my trimmings ?? please help im alittle confused with all the talk about making hash

thanks guys happy growing


Well-Known Member
finger hash is just roleld up in balls off the fingers when you are manicuring.
i prefer scissor hash, it's cleaner.


Well-Known Member
well whats scissor hash jsut scrap it off your scissor
yep as your trimming ya bud ur notice the resin build up on the scissors, get a razor blade and scrap it of each time you see it building up.

finger hash er dont like the thought of that really but then some of the best hash's in the world are hand rolled.


Active Member
How is finger hash gross? Unless you're sticking your fingers in your ass and you washed your hands.......

Where does food from the restaurant come? Oh yeah, the COOK'S HANDS.

Guess what, he's behind a closed door and his nose is runny. You know how people "Don't give a fuck" sometimes? What're your odds?