Fire OG clone 4 weeks later, slow growth and funny looking/small leaves

Outdoor. I had also gotten a Blue Dream at the same time, kind of slow growing but doing much better than the Fire. Both had preflowers when i got them and I don't see any now on either. But they've been outside for a month, just seems weird it would still be revegging. We have almost 15 hours now between sunup and sundown, and they get direct sun most of that time
its got the Viroid bro...AKA DUDDING.....toss that shit in the trash and throw away the pot/dirt....Never get cuts from whoever gave those to u
Ironic isnt it bro....they claim to know so much about Viroids and DUDS and yet they peddle out infected plants non-stop.... they'd have to burn down their facilities and start over if they ever wanted a chance to be free of their problems...

Believe me bro... I was the first to put this DUD virus on blast almost 10 years ago... DUD Heart Nursery is trash
I have no clue what you're talking about. Dudd? Anyway their Blue Dream and other clones are top notch, no issues at all
I just talked to the dispensary, since they literally go through pallets of Dark heart clones on an almost daily basis. They say they've never had a problem or any cases of this dudd thing with all the clones. They are thinking the clone may not be rooting well, or not going very quickly into veg mode.
Good ole DHN..There's threads on other boards that talk about this. I got a sour diesel, and a few other strains from them that I had to trash. Signs of dudding are slow growth, small leaves, and no vigor. I can say it's a hit or miss with them. Just pulled down some gg4 and venom og with no issues at all..OP, it's not your fault. Those plants are dudded. Get em outta there asap man. Trust me, you dont want that virus...hope this helps

For what it's worth, I emailed Dark Heart about this and sent photos, here's what they said:

"The Fire OG looks like its flowering which would explain why it's not growing very much. The Blue Dream looks ok, not bad but not great. Hard to say what's going on with the Blue Dream. It looks like maybe it was stressed at the store (over/underwatering sometimes happens at the retail level), then transplant shock, then it looks like went through some training. Maybe just stressed, hard to say. Neither look like hop latent viroid though.

If you want, we can set you up with a replacement credit at Perfect Union Northside. You can keep these going in addition to fresh starts. Ultimately, we simply want your grow to be successful, and we appreciate your business. Let us know what you'd like to do."

So I'm going to get a few more. Worst case scenario I have zilch for this year. I did ask them considering I'm starting late this season which strains would be best in my short growing window
Went out this morning, Blue Dream looks great but I am seeing more white hairs on the Fire. Confirms that I was told it looks funny because it's flowering. But why? Get almost 15 hours of direct sun and approaching longest day of the year
Well, the Blue Dream is taking off, and more vigorous growth on the Fire but still 3 leaves.update1.jpg

I did get 2 replacement clones, a Lemongrass and Tahquitz. Both looking good 48 hours after being put in Ocean Forest

update2.jpghours after be