firsf time areo grow

joe v

hi every 1 just got done building my 30 gal rubber made aer o container 15 site wanted to know what lights to use for veg and flower and where can i find a timer that can be set to 1min on 5 off


Well-Known Member
any digital timer will set to 1min or smaller incraments, analogs will not, flo lights for clone and not too many as they need roots not leaves.
save the light for after roots develope. jmo


Well-Known Member
yes u can, but let me tell u dude, make sure that there is NO light leaks! meaning make sure absolutely no light is going to touch ur water! trust me my friend this will save u the problem that im facing now, my plants are seriously stunned and im on about 7 weeks into veg. im using led and cfls. plants were doing great till i bought the led which caused intense, light which leaked to my res and fucked my plants. algae will fuck u dude just sayin. i recommended a ufo with a quad spectrum and a couple cfls, u will benefit with no heat and less energy consumption