First attempt at making hash


Well-Known Member
ok guys made hash the other day this is how it went down,

this is what i started with, a barneys farm laughing buddha, Awesome saliva smoke and produced well at 2.2 pounds, could have been more if i wasn't so lazy

heres what i made the hash out off , about 290 grams of good quality buds and trim,


I got a 5 piece set of 5 gal bubble bags for like 50 bucks, 25, 73, 110, 160 and 220 i think.

couldn't find blocks of dry ice so had to use dry ice pellets , they are about a marble size.

first run i did was with the 110, then a run at 73 , then a few at 220
here are some different grades.

heres the final product.

i kept the blondest kief unpressed in a little jar and for the rest i layed in baking powder and covered in a towl and briefly ironed it, many say not to and I'm not sure why, it works awesome and the finished product rocks.

Next time ill be making it i would only use a 220 bag . i found the best keif was out of the 220 the first few shakes you get beautiful blond hash and then another grade of nice and the next is very green. With the smaller bags you had to shake a lot harder and the product was inferior to the 220. Its all about how hard/long you shake for.

overall I'm stoked with 32+ grams of beautiful hash.

the yield is quite small really about 1/10th of what you start with.

if you haven't tried this you really should. great fun and great smoke . CHEERS